
Reference Analytic Morphomic Population (RAMP)

Analytic Morphomics® is the measurement of specific biomarkers of body composition and condition from medical imaging — in this case, CT scans. The Morphomic Analysis Group (MAG) has refined this novel methodology and is in the process of creating, over time, robust reference populations of patient morphomic measurements, which we have named the Reference Analytic Morphomic Population (RAMP). We have currently developed an initial version of RAMP (v.0.0.5) representing a population of approximately 6,000 University of Michigan patients between age 1 and 91, scanned primarily for trauma indications. We envision future versions of RAMP for other representative populations, such as specific disease processes or geographic/ethnic groups.

The following RAMP charts represent measures taken from RAMP v.0.0.5. Similar to the CDC's Growth Charts, each of these consist of a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution, by gender and age, of selected morphomic measures of body composition. Via the placement of a patient's measurements on the charts, a determination can be made about their current body composition compared to age- and gender-matched peers, which can contribute to forming an overall clinical impression of a patient.

These charts are not designed to be used as a diagnostic instrument, but instead to provide additional information about the patient being measured.

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Morphomics is incredibly collaborative in nature, and its true power comes from bringing together experts and data from many fields to tackle important questions about human health and well-being.
