Cardiopulmonary Physiology and Extracorporeal Circulation Research Laboratory
This laboratory is a collaborative program directed by Drs. Robert Bartlett and Keith Cook. The laboratory focuses on cardiac and pulmonary physiology, pulmonary pathophysiology, and bioengineering specific to extracorporeal circulation and related devices. Facilities are available for small and large animal physiology studies including acute and sterile operating rooms along with support for a variety of whole animal and biomedical engineering studies. The laboratory serves as the primary research facility for the extracorporeal life support clinical program offering research opportunities to surgical residents, medical students and research fellows. In addition, the laboratory is associated with the University of Michigan Bioengineering Program, with research participation of graduate students. Undergraduate participation is available through the student research opportunities in surgery program within the college of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Current research being conducted in the “ECLS Lab”
Development of a Total Artificial Lung (TAL)
Dr. Bartlett (Principal Investigator), Dr. Cook (Co-Investigator)
The objective of the project is to use engineering methods to optimize implantable artificial lungs.
Extracorporeal Circulation Without Anticoagulation
Dr. Bartlett (Principal Investigator), Dr. Annich (Co-Investigator)
The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate non-thrombogenic surface coatings.
Compliant TAL for application for extracorporeal circulation
Dr. Cook (Principal Investigator), Dr. Bartlett (Co-Investigator)
The goal of this project is to develop a compliant total artificial lung as a bridge to lung transplantation.
Resuscitating Organs for Transplantation (DCD)
Dr. Pelletier (Principal Investigator), Dr. Punch, Dr. Bartlett,
Dr. Cook (Co-Investigators)
The goal of this project is to develop methodologies for resuscitation and transplantation of organs from donors that have experienced uncontrolled cardiac death.
Organ Perfusion and Culture
Dr. Punch (Principal Investigator), Dr. Bartlett (Co-Investigator)
This project explores the idea of culturing and maintaining transplanted organs after an extended period of time away from the donor, therefore increasing the number of potential transplant recipients.
Development of an Artificial Placenta
Dr. Mychaliska (Principal Investigator), Dr. Hirschl,
Dr. Bartlett (Co-Investigators)
This project explores the development of a respiratory support device for premature infants with respiratory failure using arteriovenous extracorporeal life support (AV-ECLS).
Biovad: A new cardiac support device
Dr. Haft (Principal Investigator), Dr. Bartlett (Co-Investigator)
This project explores the development of a device that functions as a temporary mechanical blood pump for patients that have suffered sudden heart failure and shock, as a bridge to transplantation.
Total Liquid Ventilation
Dr. Hirschl (Principal Investigator), Dr. Cook, Dr. Bartlett (Co-Investigators)
This project is focused on creating a technique involving the use of total liquid ventilation with perflurocarbons in the management of patients that have experienced severe lung injury.
Facilities and office are located on the basement level of MSRB2.
For more information please visit our laboratory Web site.