Paying for your transplant
Another part of deciding about having a transplant is the financial planning involved.

Transplants are expensive; a kidney transplant falls in the approximate range of $40,000 to $50,000 and your medications may cost $700 to $1000 per month. Most people are covered under Medicare’s End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) program, which pays for the majority of kidney failure treatments. However, immunosuppression is only covered for the first three years after the transplant.

You and your parents can talk with your insurance company and the financial office at your transplant center for specific details.

Paying for your transplant
Begin learning about kidney transplantation here
Your organs do many things to keep you healthy If your organs don't work, you may need to have a transplant To get a transplant, you have to be tested To get a transplant, you have to be tested You can't have a transplant unless someone donates an organ You will have to have surgery to place the new organ into your body Most people feel much better after having a transplant Taking care of your new organ will help you feel healthy for years to come Home