The Pilchers

Willa Pilcher became a donor wife when her husband Wayland passed away on June 23, 1994.  She is now involved in promoting organ donation on a local level in Texas and nationally through the National Donor Family Council. 

Click here to hear an interview with Willa from the XI World Transplant Games in Sydney.

"Seeing everyone so alive, healthy, and enjoying life at the XI World Transplant Games gives me a new lease on life emotionally.  It gives me a reason to live,"  said Willa Pilcher at the opening ceremonies in Sydney Australia on September 30, 1997.  "I came to the XI World Transplant Games to celebrate life:  the lives of the athletes and donors, the medical professionals who help to make donation possible, and the families and loved ones of everyone involved."

Wayland, Willa's husband, told Willa about his wish to donate his organs before the tragedy of his death.  In her own words, Willa said, "He was the kind of person who wanted to give something to make other people's lives better."  Wayland was a professor of criminal justice at Sam Houston State University in Texas from 1971-1994.  His legacy was his students and anyone he could help with his gift.  Wayland's eyes, skin, and long bones were donated to recipients in need of transplants.  Wayland was of mostly Cherokee Indian descent, and thought there might be a good donor/recipient match with someone of American Indian descent.

Since Wayland's death, Willa has become very involved with the National Donor Family Council, on a national level.  She edits the donor family booklet for bereaved spouses.  Locally, she makes herself available to donation organizations and transplant centers in the area of Huntsville, Texas, in order to speak to anyone who wants to talk to a donor family member.  She also speaks to children at local schools about donor awareness issues.  She is "loving every minute" of the important work that she does.

Willa and Wayland have two children, Von and Valerie, a grandaughter Erin, and a cat named Sinbad.

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Last modified: 11 May 2000