Honoring Your Grace

by Trish Dockery


The Lord's spirit moves continuously in many mysterious ways,

He has brought us here for a reason, to this time, this place, this day.

He has blessed me with the opportunity to honor a loved one verbally,

Emotions bared before all, rememberances spoken no longer kept silently.


For Archie:

The captured memories of Archie tell the true story of the Lord's all,

In whispers that soothingly still echo inside of my heart's walls

God's most important commandment to love "thy neighbor as thy self,"

Archie knew, through her gift of giving we have an increase of family that was her wealth.

Archie a definite beauty of an angel that once graced the earth

She knew the treasure of the Lord and all of his worth.

From Archie I learned the secret of God's merciful gift of love,

The freedom to experience my emotions as heart free as is a dove.

I shall always remember her voice and her sweet gentle nature,

Calming and soothing, so filled with love as our creator,

Archie gave me the wings with which to be free, to fly,

She taught me to love and love again even if sometimes your heart does cry.

Archie taught me to take all of my sorrow and pains of the past,

And turn them to more love with heartfelt compassion that lasts

She taught me not to bear my burdens with grudges and sins

Merely just say, "I love you," forgive and once more begin.

Often times when I remember Archie I do selfishly say,

Why couldn't I have had her in my life for many more days.

But I will tell you the same thing that I have told others before,

Sometimes a mere moment is enough to open a closed heart's door.

For an angel of God can touch you in the twinkling of an eye,

Each time I glance up golden stardust falls from the sky.

Archie's wings are now parting the Heavenly clouds up above,

She is safely home in paradise with God whom she loves.

So never tell me that a moment is completely wasted away

Because I can now stand here before you ready to say, sometimes a moment is just enough,

When you've been touched by an angel from the Heavens above.

I love you Archie


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Last modified: 11 May 2000