2005 Medical Class Profile
Admissions Summary
- Number applying in 2005: 4931
- Number interviewed: 810 (16%)
- Number of students in the class: 177
- Class Averages: GPA: 3.72, MCAT: 11.44
Class Composition
- Male: 51.4%
- Female: 48.6%
- MSTP Students: 11
- Maxofacial Surgery Program Students: 3
- Underrepresented in Medicine: 14.6% of class
- Average Age 23 .6
Class Geography
- Michigan Residents: 44.6%
- Non-residents: 55.4%
- States Represented: 29
- After the state of Michigan, the next largest groups are: Illinois:
California: 14
Indiana: 7
MA, MD: 5
Undergraduate Colleges Attended
- MI Institutions Represented: 5
- U of M Students: 51
- Harvard: 8
- UCLA: 6
- Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, Yale, Duke, MIT, Northwestern, Princeton,
U Penn: 4
College Field of Study
- Biology and Biomedical: 50%
- Chemistry/Biochemistry: 6.8%
- Humanities: 2.8%
- Science/Humanities: 20%
- Engineering: 6.8%
- Other Science 5.7%
- Business/Economics 3.4%
- Other: 4.5%