2002 Medical Class Profile
Admissions Summary
- Number applying in 2002: 4479 applicants
- Number interviewed: 577 (13%)
- Number of students in the class: 170
- Class Averages: GPA: 3.76, MCAT: 11.4
Class Composition
- Male: 57% of class
- Female: 43% of class
- MSTP: 13 students
- Inteflex: 30 students
- MaxillofacialSurgery Program: 2 students
- 14% of the class are minority students
Class Geography
- Michigan residents: 89 students (52%) Non-Michigan: 81 students (48%)
- States represented: 29
- After the state of Michigan, the next largest groups are: 14 students
from California (8% of the class), ten from Illinois, 6 from Ohio,
and 4 each from New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland.
Undergraduate Colleges Attended
- 54 undergraduate schools are represented in the class, including 8
schools in Michigan.
- 60 students attended the University of Michigan (35% of class).
- Nine students attended Harvard; six attended Stanford; five each attended
Johns Hopkins, Berkeley, and Cornell. Next were Northwestern and Notre
Dame with 4 each. Three each attended the University of Virginia, Yale,
Brigham Young, Calvin College, Hope College, Michigan State, UCLA,
University of Chicago, and Princeton.
College Field of Study
- Biology and biomedical fields: 49%
- Humanities fields: 18%
- Chemistry/Biochemistry: 17%
- Other science, engineering and math: 8%
- Business/Economics: 5%
- Health fields: 3%
Advanced Degrees
- One student has a PhD in Biochemistry
- Two students have doctorates in dentistry
- Six students have master's degrees