2001 Medical Class Profile
Admissions Summary
- Number applying in 2001: 4688
- Number interviewed: 615 (13% of applicants)
- Number in the class: 170
- tandard Class Averages: GPA: 3.7 MCAT: 11.1
Entering Class:
- Black/African American 17 (10%)
- Mexican American 7 (4%)
- Native American 1 (1%)
- Asian groups 37 (22%)
- White/Other 108 (64%)
- Male: 54%
- Female: 46%
Class Composition:
- Standard applicants-- 131
- Deferred from 2000-- 5
- Inteflex students-- 22
- Medical Scientist Training Program-- 6
- Maxofacial Surgery Program-- 2
Class Geography:
- Michigan residents: 49% Non-Michigan: 51%
- States represented: 29 states.
- Largest contingent is from Michigan (85)
- Next largest group: California with 25, for 15% of the class. Other
states with significant representation: Ohio with 6, Texas with 5 and
Illinois with 4. There are 3 students each from Arizona, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, New Jersey, and Wisconsin.
Undergraduate Colleges Attended:
- Number of undergraduate schools represented: 68 different schools.
- Number of Michigan colleges represented: 8
- Number of students who attended UM Ann Arbor: 59 (includes Inteflex)
-- (35% of the class)
- Schools with the most representation, besides UM: UCLA with 8, UC
Berkeley with 7, Hope College and UC San Diego each with 5, Harvard with
4, and three each from Brigham Young, MIT, Notre Dame, Penn, and Stanford.
College Field of Study:
- Biology and related fields: 48%
- Other science and math fields 14%
- Humanities fields 12%
- Chemistry and Biochemistry 11%
- Engineering fields 7%
- Science/humanities double majors 4%
- Business and economics 3%
- Health fields 2%
Advanced Degrees:
- Seven students have MS degrees in a science or engineering field
- Two students have Master's degrees in a public health field
- Two students have Master's degrees in humanities fields
- Two have a DDS
- Two have a JD