Patricia Mullan, Ph.D.

Dr. Patricia Mullan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Michigan Medical School. She received her doctoral degree in medical behavior ecology, with an emphasis on applied program evaluation of medical training and practice sites, using quantitative and qualitative methods. Her experience in program evaluation has focused on medical education, particularly as it experiments with innovative teaching and evaluation methods, or in areas outside medicine’s traditional focus. Her published research in program evaluation includes studies about the doctor-patient relationship, underrepresented minorities in the professions, chronic disease prevention, and end-of-life care. She serves on NIH grant sections that focus on professional education programs intended to develop or enhance the scope of competencies upon which medical practitioners can draw.

The content of Dr. Mullan’s teaching efforts includes program evaluation, professional ethics, medical sociology, health policy, communication in therapeutic relationships, and theories and methods in cultural anthropology. Her teaching methods emphasize active learning and application.