James T. Fitzgerald, PhD

Dr. Fitzgerald is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan and the Associate Director of Education and Evaluation at the Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center Ann Arbor VA. He received a BA in Anthropology from Michigan State University, a MA in Anthropology from Wayne State University and his PhD in Urban, Technological and Environmental Planning from the University of Michigan.

Dr. Fitzgerald has conducted evaluation and behavioral research focusing on health care issues of older adults and minority populations for 18 years. His major research interests include the influence of social and cultural factors on health behavior and health attitudes, gender and ethnic differences in the self-care of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the development of survey instruments. He has been central in the development and validation of the following surveys: the Diabetes Care Profile, the Brief Diabetes Knowledge Test, the Diabetes Attitudes Scale, the Diabetes Empowerment Scale, and the Diabetes Semantic Differential Scale.