Registration is still available for Leaping Forward: Stitching Evidence into Practice 2014. This program is an opportunity to share and explore new advances and innovations in Critical Care Nursing. All health providers who care for adults in intensive care units, step-down and progressive care units will benefit from attending. Conference will be held at Kensington Court, 610 Hilton Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI on February 25, 2014. Online Registration available here.
Apply for a J. Patrick Barnes Grant for Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Projects
Funds are available for:
- EBP Projects that develop, implement and evaluate changes in nursing practice in treatment of patients with cancer and auto-immune diseases
- Clinical research studies that directly benefit patients and/or families involving treatment of cancer and auto-immune diseases.
Guidelines and applications are posted at Letters of intent are due March 31, 2014.
The DAISY Award
for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Megan Lyons, RN and John Seeburger (7C) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
- 600 Nurses hired in the first half of FY 2014 to ready support for MiChart implementation in June 2014 and for other growth and expansion initiatives.
- Explore job opportunities at UMHS by visiting our web site at
Ambulatory Care News...
- MiChart Patient Portal Updates to Medications and Allergies
Effective January 27, 2014 patients with active accounts will be able to submit updates to the medication and allergy lists in MiChart via This includes requests to add or remove a medication or allergy. Patients will chose from coded medications and allergens and only if unable to find a coded option, can enter free text medications or allergies. These will not be automatically imported into the patient’s medication and allergy lists, but they will be easily visible during office visits and other encounter navigators to prompt reconciliation by appropriate UMHS providers and staff.
2014 Dean’s Research Day
Save the Date
Thursday, April 3, 2014
1:00 - 5:30 PM
University of Michigan North Campus Research Complex, Building 18, Dining Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Carolyn Morris, Nurse Practitioner in Geriatrics published an article, Urge Urinary Incontinence and the Brain Factor,” in the journal Neurology and Urodynamics (2013) 32:441-448.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe (Clinical Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, and the Department of Psychiatry) and colleagues, Dr. Jim Cranford, Dr. Marcin Wojnar, and Dr. Kirk Brower, recently had an article published in a special issue of the Journal of Addictions Nursing (vol. 24, issue 4, pp. 209-216), dedicated to spirituality and addictions, titled, “Spiritual awakening predicts improved drinking outcomes in a Polish treatment sample,” based on international collaborative efforts with Dr. Wojnar and others at the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland.
Charles A. Muck (Apheresis) presented "So You Need A Transfusion Safety Officer" at the American Association of Blood Banking in Denver, Colorado.
Christopher R. Friese, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, Julie C. Grunawalt, MS, RN, GCNS-BC, Sara Bhullar, RN, Karen Bihlmeyer, RN, Robert Chang, MD, and Winnie Wood, MSN, RN had their manuscript "Pod Nursing on a Medical/Surgical Unit: Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation" accepted to the Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA).
Jolene Bostwick, PharmD and Ilze Hallman, DNP, MS, PMHCNS-BC, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC recently had an article "Agitation Management Strategies: Overview of Non-Pharmacologic and Pharmacologic Interventions" published in the MEDSURG Nursing Journal. This is the Official Journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. This is just one example of the type of intraprofessional collaboration we practice daily.
Stacy Brand, MBA, Clinic Outreach Coordinator, and Sandy Feldkamp, BSN, RN, Transplant Program, are congratulated that their poster, "The Benefit of Peer Mentors in Dialysis Patient Education Through Transplant Expos," has been selected for poster presentation at the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) 2014 Spring Clinical Meetings to be held April 22-26, 2014.
Denise D. O’Brien, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, FAAN published her research from her DNP with Shanks, Amy M. MS; Talsma, AkkeNeel PhD, RN, FAAN; Brenner, Phyllis S. PhD, RN, NEA-BC; Ramachandran, Satya Krishna MD, FRCA. "Intraoperative Risk Factors Associated With Postoperative Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients: A Retrospective Observational Study* was published in Critical Care Medicine, January 2014 - Volume 42 - Issue 1 - p 40-47 (Clinical Investigations). doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e318298a849
Subsequently, an editorial also cited Denise‘s work. Hopf, Harriet W. MD, FUHM; Gordillo, Gayle MD. "Intraoperative Management and Pressure Ulcers: Not Where the Problem Lies?" Critical Care Medicine, January 2014 - Volume 42 - Issue 1 - p 199-200 (Editorials).doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31829ec875
See what’s new at
the U-M School of Nursing…
The latest information is now available on the web at:
2014 Schwartz Rounds Conferences
Mark your calendars! The next Schwartz Center Rounds will take place Monday, February 10, 2014 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in MCHC Auditorium. The topic: "Patient/Family Centered Care: Our Experiences and Feelings." Presenters: Lori Culloty, MSN, RN, Nurse Manager UMH CVC-5 and Lisa Piasecki, RN Nurse UMH CVC-5.
Give the Gift of Life - Donate Blood and You Could Win a 2-Year Lease for a New Car! All donors for our University of Michigan Hospital Blood Drive will be entered to win a 2-year lease for a new car. Sign up at, sponsor code = goblue. Call 734-615-8863. ID required. The blood drives will be held on:
- Monday, January 6, 2014 from 7am-6:45pm, Towsley Lobby
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014 from 7am-6:45pm, Towsley Lobby
Click image to enlarge/print flyer.
Stress Reduction:
A Course for Nurses
February 11 - April 8, 2014
Mindfulness meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a way of connecting more deeply with one‘s self. A significant amount of research indicates that cultivating mindfulness is beneficial in coping with pain, anxiety, depression, and stress. It also enhances immune responses and healing. Read more...
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a secular 8-week course which teaches how to practice mindfulness meditation in a variety of ways in our everyday lives. It was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts in the 1970‘s. The course includes weekly two-hour class sessions with exercises and discussion, a retreat day, readings, assignments, and daily home practice. The fee is $350 per person (negotiable with multiple registrations or low income) and includes CDs with guided meditations, articles and practice tools, and the retreat.
Libby Robinson has been practicing mindfulness meditation since 1979, was trained in MBSR by Jon Kabat-Zinn and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts, and has been teaching MBSR since 2003. Michelle O‘Grady has been practicing mindfulness meditation since 2010, teaches at the UM School of Nursing, and is currently a DNP student at Wayne State University College of Nursing, where her focus is stress management for nurses. This course includes a research component and will have IRB approval. We will conduct anonymous data collection (2 standardized surveys and reflections) from the participants who provide consent. Participating in the research is strictly voluntary and individuals who do not want to participate in the research can still take the class.
There will be a free, introductory session Tuesday February 11, 6 - 8 pm, which is highly recommended. Please register with Michelle.
The 8-week course begins February 18 and ends April 8, with a 6-hour retreat March 29.
Weekly class sessions will be 6 - 8 pm at the Lotus Center (2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor).
For full details and course registration, contact:
Michelle O’Grady, MS, CNM
Phone: 734.657.1216
Libby Robinson, PhD, MSW
Phone: 734.476.3070
2014 Dean’s Research Day
Save the Date
Thursday, April 3, 2014
1:00 - 5:30 PM
University of Michigan North Campus Research Complex, Building 18, Dining Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
We are pleased to announce that Dean‘s Research Day 2014 links to registration and abstract submission guidelines are now active:
The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, January 13, 2014.
For additional information, please contact: Bethany Osborne at
Faculty and Students Pilot a Global Clinical Immersion in Thailand
On January 16, the faculty and students will share their experiences and insights. All are welcome to attend this brown bag presentation. This experience builds on an already strong collaborative relationship for Thailand and UMSN. Thailand‘s Ministry of Public Health works in partnership with UMSN to build research capacity, with a focus on noncommunicable diseases. In addition, UMSN Dean Kathleen Potempa, PhD, RN, FAAN, has worked more than a decade on research focused on Thailand‘s educational capacity building, practice changes within the public health infrastructure, and developing the country‘s nurse practitioner education.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Greg Casey, RN (CVC CPU) who recently received the DAISY award!
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
Charles A. Muck (Apheresis) presented "So You Need A Transfusion Safety Officer" at the American Association of Blood Banking in Denver, Colorado.
Christopher R. Friese, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, Julie C. Grunawalt, MS, RN, GCNS-BC, Sara Bhullar, RN, Karen Bihlmeyer, RN, Robert Chang, MD, and Winnie Wood, MSN, RN had their manuscript "Pod Nursing on a Medical/Surgical Unit: Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation" accepted to the Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA).
Jolene Bostwick, PharmD and Ilze Hallman, DNP, MS, PMHCNS-BC, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC recently had an article "Agitation Management Strategies: Overview of Non-Pharmacologic and Pharmacologic Interventions" published in the MEDSURG Nursing Journal. This is the Official Journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. This is just one example of the type of intraprofessional collaboration we practice daily.
Stacy Brand, MBA, Clinic Outreach Coordinator, and Sandy Feldkamp, BSN, RN, Transplant Program, are congratulated that their poster, "The Benefit of Peer Mentors in Dialysis Patient Education Through Transplant Expos," has been selected for poster presentation at the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) 2014 Spring Clinical Meetings to be held April 22-26, 2014.
Denise D. O’Brien, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, FAAN published her research from her DNP with Shanks, Amy M. MS; Talsma, AkkeNeel PhD, RN, FAAN; Brenner, Phyllis S. PhD, RN, NEA-BC; Ramachandran, Satya Krishna MD, FRCA. "Intraoperative Risk Factors Associated With Postoperative Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients: A Retrospective Observational Study* was published in Critical Care Medicine, January 2014 - Volume 42 - Issue 1 - p 40-47 (Clinical Investigations). doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e318298a849
Subsequently, an editorial also cited Denise‘s work. Hopf, Harriet W. MD, FUHM; Gordillo, Gayle MD. "Intraoperative Management and Pressure Ulcers: Not Where the Problem Lies?" Critical Care Medicine, January 2014 - Volume 42 - Issue 1 - p 199-200 (Editorials).doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31829ec875
See what’s new at
the U-M School of Nursing…
The latest information is now available on the web at:
Ambulatory Care News…
- Comprehensive Wound Care Clinic Opens
Comprehensive Wound Care Clinic Opens
To meet the growing needs of Americans with chronic wounds, the University of Michigan has opened a Comprehensive Wound Care Clinic at Domino‘s Farms.
An estimated 5 million to 6 million Americans deal with chronic wounds, and as the population ages and diabetes and arterial diseases become more prevalent, chronic wounds will become more common. The Comprehensive Wound Care Clinic opened at Domino‘s Farms to meet the needs of this patient population. Specialties practicing in the clinic include Family Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Podiatry. Additionally, hyperbaric oxygen therapy will be available in the Summer of 2014 in a chamber custom-built for the clinic. Dru MacPherson will provide nursing management for nurses in this new Ambulatory Care Unit.
2014 Schwartz Rounds Conference Schedule
Mark your calendars! The next Schwartz Center Rounds will take place Monday, January 6, 2014 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in Ford Auditorium. The topic: "PFCC: Our Experiences and Feelings."
This is the first Schwartz Rounds for the year 2014. Please watch here for complete schedule of 2014 dates and locations.
Give the Gift of Life - Donate Blood and You Could Win a 2-Year Lease for a New Car! All donors for our two University of Michigan Hospital Blood Drives will be entered to win a 2-year lease for a new car. Sign up at, sponsor code = goblue. Call 734-615-8863. ID required. The blood drives will be held on:
- Monday, December 23, 2013 from 7am-6:45pm, Towsley Lobby
- Monday, January 6, 2014 from 7am-6:45pm, Towsley Lobby
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014 from 7am-6:45pm, Towsley Lobby
Click to enlarge/print each flyer:
Nurse Managers Grace Brand (12 East) and Julie Juno (PICU) were two of 10 recipients university-wide of the "Work/Life Champion Supervisor Awards!" Both were nominated by their staff for their work in creating work life balance and support for staff. Both were surprised by their units several months ago, but the official public awards ceremony occurred in October. The "Work/Life Champion Award for Supervisors" recognizes U-M faculty and staff supervisors who promote work/life balance through consistent recognition of and responsiveness to their employees' professional and personal lives, incorporating important job demands along with customer and team needs.
Tonie Owens, CNS (PICU) and Julie Juno, Nurse Manager (PICU) have had their work with simulation base education for CRRT published. They are the leaders in the country for filter life and unscheduled filter changes.
Elizabeth Studley (CRNA, Mott) has been selected as a recipient of the Fifth Annual DDLA. This award includes $1,000 towards her professional development activities. The Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award was established to shine a light on those staff members who work toward achieving a welcoming, supportive and inclusive working environment.
Tamara Davies from 5B was recently elected President of the Southeast Chapter of American Academy of Medical Surgical Nursing. Tamara was the first nurse on 5B to become a certified medical/surgical nurse. She is very passionate about medical surgical nursing and encourages her colleagues to get certified.
Suzanne Quallich, NP in Urology, has been awarded the Arthur T. Evans Lectureship, sponsored by the American Urological Association, for Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Testicular Pain: State of the Science, presented at the Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates 44th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 12, 2013.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Aimee Kehres, RN (Pediatric Hematology/Oncology) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
October 2013 Career Fair
October 2013 Career Fair hosted 260 attendees196 GNs and 64 experienced RNs. Active participation by all inpatient units is the essential element that makes these fairs such a success. Thanks to all who were there to help recruit!
Know a nurse you’d like to have as a colleague?
Suggest that he/she explore Nursing at Michigan opportunities by visiting our website at or refer them directly to Nurse Recruitment & Retention:
UMHS Nurse Recruitment & Retention
2301 Commonwealth Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2967
Office: (734) 936-5183
Ambulatory Care News…
Nurse/MA Efficiency: InBasket, Charts and SmartTools - UMHS Care Provided at Chelsea Community Hospital
NEW CLASS! Nurse/MA Efficiency: InBasket, Charts and SmartTools
A new instructor-led training course is available. Designed for assisting nurses and assistive personnel to learn efficient ways to see Inbaskets, navigate charts and use some smart tools. It is 3 hours in length, allowing for lots of questions and practice time. You must pre-register for all courses. Contact the MiChart Enrollment Team at 734-232-6016 or to request class time(s).
UMHS Care Provided at Chelsea Community Hospital
To relieve inpatient volume issues at the University of Michigan Hospitals, the Department of Family Medicine Service has created capacity at Chelsea Community Hospital (CCH) for lower acuity patients. Primary care nurses and providers, particularly those in Western Washtenaw County, are encouraged to refer patients who need routine medical inpatient to the Chelsea Family Medicine Service. These patients must have a diagnosis appropriate for an adult inpatient medicine service and not have anticipated inpatient specialty consultation needs OTHER THAN General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology, Urology or Gastroenterology.
Admission Process:
- Patients will either self-refer or be directed by PCP to CCH Emergency Department. If the latter and admission is anticipated, the PCP is asked to contact the CCH ED (734.593.5000) directly to share clinical information and concerns.
- Patients will identify themselves as having a UMHS PCP.
- CCH ED will direct patients needing admission to the CFM service or to UMHS as appropriate.
- PCP will be notified and kept abreast of clinical situation including admission and discharge according to CFM Information Policy.
NEW CLASS! Nurse/MA Efficiency: InBasket, Charts and SmartTools
A new instructor-led training course is available. Designed for assisting nurses and assistive personnel to learn efficient ways to see Inbaskets, navigate charts and use some smart tools. It is 3 hours in length, allowing for lots of questions and practice time. You must pre-register for all courses. Contact the MiChart Enrollment Team at 734-232-6016 or to request class time(s).
UMHS Care Provided at Chelsea Community Hospital
To relieve inpatient volume issues at the University of Michigan Hospitals, the Department of Family Medicine Service has created capacity at Chelsea Community Hospital (CCH) for lower acuity patients. Primary care nurses and providers, particularly those in Western Washtenaw County, are encouraged to refer patients who need routine medical inpatient to the Chelsea Family Medicine Service. These patients must have a diagnosis appropriate for an adult inpatient medicine service and not have anticipated inpatient specialty consultation needs OTHER THAN General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology, Urology or Gastroenterology.
Admission Process:
- Patients will either self-refer or be directed by PCP to CCH Emergency Department. If the latter and admission is anticipated, the PCP is asked to contact the CCH ED (734.593.5000) directly to share clinical information and concerns.
- Patients will identify themselves as having a UMHS PCP.
- CCH ED will direct patients needing admission to the CFM service or to UMHS as appropriate.
- PCP will be notified and kept abreast of clinical situation including admission and discharge according to CFM Information Policy.
See what’s new at
the U-M School of Nursing…
The latest information is now available on the web at:
Wednesday, December 10, 2013
It's Nursing's Coffee, Tea, or ??? Fundraiser!
Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate. Donate the money you would normally spend on your favorite daily beverage to the United Way, and be entered in a raffle to win a pair of scrubs. Read more...
Just fill out a United Way Pledge form found at with a check or payroll deduction approval for the donation and return to your unit AA on or before December 10th.
It‘s that easy! Your donation helps people right here in Washtenaw County or where ever you designate. The United Way‘s funding focus areas are early childhood care and education, school-aged youth, safety net health and nutrition, housing and homelessness, senoir assistance, and hunger relief. Your donation is greatly appreciated!!
If you have any questions, contact Anne Kadrovich at
- I am grateful to be in one of the finest universities in the world, and one of the finest Health Systems. The ability to work with the greatest minds across campus should never be taken for granted. Outside our door are some of the finest schools in the world and inside our walls is an incredible place that provides incredible health care.
- I am grateful for the wise and experienced Directors of Nursing, Nurse Managers and Supervisors that I have the privilege of working with here. Through many struggles and challenging times, they have provided strong leadership to our community and the organization. The Nurse Manager is at the heart of every unit and area and they create the culture and environment for the staff to flourish and our patients and families to receive the finest care. The challenge is often daunting and they do a tremendous job balancing the many demands they face on a daily basis.
- I am grateful for the strong partnership we have with our School of Nursing and the work we are forging in the Clinical Initiative. Every time I read the students‘ acknowledgments of their staff mentors, I know that innovative model we created is making a tremendous difference in student education and in patient care. This partnership is permeating all aspects of patient care and student education and it is wonderful to see.
- I am grateful for the many colleagues I have the opportunity to work with across all disciplines every day. In my daily work I have the opportunity to work with leaders across the system in medicine, pharmacy, social work, respiratory care and many, many departments. We all know that care is not given by a single clinician, but a well-functioning team and we have the opportunity to practice in superb teams every day.
- Finally, I am MOST grateful for being part of the tremendous community of professional nurses and assistive staff we are privileged to have at UMHS. Every nurse, in every role, in every practice space throughout the Health System impacts the lives of thousands of patients and families every day. Nursing is at the heart of care and by our every action, our every word, as we advocate, care for, and nurse our patients to health or provide the comfort and compassion to our patients and their families at the end of their lives, our nursing community makes a profound difference in the world. For this I am most grateful and thank you for the tremendous difference you make every day
- Marge
In such diverse settings, with roles from phone triage to care coordination, their practice requires creative, artful approaches to meeting the patient/family‘s needs and providing continuity of care. Their examples of outstanding care were inspiring and clearly illustrated the importance of knowing the patient‘s story, creating mutual goals, promoting self-care efficacy and facilitating continuity of care.
Nurses in ambulatory care face many of the challenges encountered in other settings – time constraints, workload, documentation challenges, and maintaining continuity. Whether on the phone or face-to-face in clinic, it is the nurse‘s compassionate approach, skillful management of the patient/family‘s needs, and empowerment of the patient and family, that leads to a healing relationship and positive outcomes. Here is just one example of the outstanding care being provided in ambulatory care:
This is a story about a little girl [aka Jenny] with a chronic condition, her foster mom, and a compassionate nurse who took care of her in the Ostomy Clinic. Jenny was a patient who was brought to the U.S. to be medically-fostered by a caring family. She required medical and surgical treatment for a congenital disorder which necessitated an ostomy at birth. The medical treatment was not available in the small village where her biological family lives, and they lacked the financial resources to care for a child with a chronic condition. The ultimate goal of the team was to eventually close her ostomy and send her back to her biological family.
As a result of her condition, Jenny was underweight and cognitively delayed. She did not speak English. Jenny underwent surgical revision of her ostomy and was discharged home. The foster mom had no experience caring for an ostomy and Jenny did not qualify for home health services. A nurse coordinator from Pediatric Surgery consulted with Tami Walker, RN, WOCN to assist with challenges mom was experiencing at home. The coordinator shared with Tami that the mom was having difficulty getting the colostomy appliance to adhere to the skin, there was leaking around the ostomy, and the skin around the ostomy was excoriated. The mom was running out of ostomy supplies—she was frustrated and at the end of her rope. Her goal was to effectively manage the ostomy and promote healing.
Tami called her manager to share her concerns about seeing this child in the outpatient setting after the challenging care transitions from hospital to home. Although it had been years since Tami provided care to a pediatric patient, the manager assured Tami that she was the RIGHT person to take care of this little girl and her foster mom. Tami, the manager, and the nurse coordinator decided to attend the appointment together in order to fully address the situation and improve continuity of care.
Prior to the appointment, Tami consulted with the inpatient ostomy team and collected as many pediatric ostomy supplies as she could get her hands on. She reviewed the medical history in MiChart and Careweb to prepare for the appointment. Tami began the clinic visit by saying, "Before I examine Jenny, I want you to tell me about her and what has been going on with her care". The mom shared important aspects of Jenny‘s story. Tami immediately put the foster mom at ease and focused on the past and present medical needs, interjecting several times how the foster mom was taking such good care of the little girl. Tami gathered the story and actively listened to the foster mom before she even touched the little girl.
When Tami was ready to examine Jenny, she used a stuffed puppy while she carefully pulled the ostomy appliance away from the skin. Tami told the mom, "you‘ve been taking very good care of her and the ostomy; we‘ll go over a few things that will help you". You could see the relief and sense of accomplishment on the mom‘s face. The mom‘s stress from the past several days just seemed to disappear. Tami replaced the stress with caring and respect for the mom who was trying her best to care for this little girl without any formal ostomy education or experience.
Tami reviewed the ostomy supplies and demonstrated how to remove the ostomy wafer in a way that would minimize discomfort to the little girl. She also discussed nutritional considerations. The stuffed puppy was used to distract and entertain the little girl while Tami examined Jenny and educated the mom. The foster mom left the appointment with renewed confidence to care for this little girl‘s ostomy and a resource to call if she had questions or concerns, thus promoting self-care efficacy and ensuring continuity of care.
This story is an excellent example of how the Model of Care supports EXTRAORDINARY care. The mom sent Tami a Thank You card for the care she provided. The picture on the card was the little girl sitting in a basket holding the stuffed puppy that Tami gave to her during the visit. She thanked Tami for giving her a "new puppy" and recognizing how special Tami is to Jenny and her foster mom. Tami and her manager reflected on the visit — each of the four elements of the Model of Care was addressed (Patient Story, Mutual Goals, Self-Care Efficacy, and Continuity of Care), ensuring that this family‘s needs were met.
Our patients and families at UMHS often speak of the important role nurses play in their care. Ambulatory care nurses are in a unique position to make a difference in the quality of life for our patients, families and communities
UMHS Nurses Kicked, Cheered
and Laughed...
...the TEAM Learned and Played
at the Big House Takeover!
One of the many great things about being a UMHS nurse is being a part of the world renowned University of Michigan! As you know, we at UMHS do not set aside one week to celebrate nursing….We celebrate nursing all year long and this past week, over 500 nurses spent the day at the Big House, in the Roth Stadium Club, for a day of community, partnership, professional development and fun! Read more...

The day started out with Dave Brandon addressing "Leadership and Change" with our Nursing leadership group. Then, the day was packed with presentations on managing sepsis, by Cammy House-Fancher, ACNP, MSN, our own Dr. Terri Voepel-Lewis, RN, PhD, presented on the assessment and treatment of pain, and Dr. Marshal Shlafer, PhD, presented on the connection of pathophysiology and drug therapy. We also hosted certification review courses last week!
In addition to the presentations, participants toured the locker rooms for pictures, walked, or ran, through the famous tunnel of champions to the field and even kicked a field goal or two (or tried to)! My thanks to the Nurse Recruitment & Retention Team who works tremendously hard all year round to create and execute these experiences and all the celebrations of nursing throughout the year. This was another exceptional event!
A great time was had by all! It was a true celebration of teamwork at its best! As the late Coach Schembechler reminds us… "the Team, the Team, the Team!" Who better but UMHS nurses to demonstrate the commitment to community and teamwork! Thank you for all you do!
- Marge
Free CE Webinar from Elsevier/Mosby: Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
Wednesday, November 20, 2:00PM EST
1 contact hour of continuing education credit
Creating a culture of evidence-based practice in a hospital organization is often easier said than done. What’s clear, however, is that evidence should be used to define best practices rather than support existing, and perhaps outdated procedures. Read more...
Evidence-based practice based on research is more likely to result in desired patient outcomes. It also provides opportunities for nursing care to be more individualized, effective, streamlined, and dynamic, while maximizing the effects of clinical judgment.
In this informative web seminar, participants will learn the importance of creating a culture of evidence-based nursing practice in their organization from renowned Nurse Education Consultant, Lois Marshall, RN, MSN, Ph. D., and Tammy Dotts, Managing Editor of Mosby’s Nursing Consult.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the importance of creating a culture of evidence-based nursing in your institution
- Indicate how evidence-based nursing practice can improve compliance
- Identify how evidence-based practice can improve operational efficiencies, leading to quality improvement and increases in HCAHPS scores.
Lois Marshall, RN, MSN, Ph. D
Tammy Dotts, Managing Editor, Elsevier
Date and Time:
Wednesday, November 20, 2:00PM EST
Continuing Education Credit
1 contact hour of continue nursing education will be awarded to all who meet the following criteria for this webinar:
- Register to attend the webinar
- Log in to the webinar on November 20, 2013
- Attend at least 90% of the webinar
- Complete and submit an evaluation of the webinar, a link to which will be emailed to you after the webinar
Following the CE presentation attendees are invited to stay for a short preview of Elsevier solutions that can assist you in establishing an evidence-based nursing practice culture in your organization.
All steps are required to earn continuing education contact hours.
* Elsevier/Mosby is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Elsevier/Mosby is provider approved by the Florida Board of Nursing, provider number #50-4681Elsevier/Mosby is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number CEP 3257.
First Nurse Practice Academy Members Graduate
The "Inaugural" Nurse Practice Academy nurses, Central Staffing Resources (CSR) staff and Professional Development and Education (PD&E) staff recently celebrated the completion of the 12 month educational program. The competitive program invited applications from recent graduates of an accredited BSN program to participate in a 12 month program to enhance their education and experience during their initial entry into practice. Read more...
The first eight months of the program was designed to orient the new graduates to multiple practice environments within a patient population. This was an effort to increase professional capacity and flexibility. They worked with nurse educators, expert staff nurses and clinical nurse specialists in designated units. In addition, each academy member had a designated preceptor on each unit as well as from Central Staffing Resources. The remaining four months were focused on flexibility in practice and increasing the academy member's skills and abilities as a Central Staffing Resource Nurse.
During the year long program the NPA nurses participated in Professional Development Days provided by PD&E staff. For some topics, this opportunity was, also, available to new graduates on participating units with less than 16 months of registered nurse experience. These days focused on topics such as: Nurse Practice Academy and You; Creating Possibilities: Skillfully Responding to Life Stressors; Teamwork and Communication; and many others.
New Healthy Beverage Initiative for All UMHS Locations
Hospitals, health centers and Medical School to remove sugar-sweetened beverages, though patients, visitors & staff can still bring their own.
Two-thirds of adults and one-quarter of adolescents in Michigan are either overweight or obese. As obesity and its associated conditions of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and poor bone and joint health rise, so does knowledge about sugar-sweetened beverages and their effects. Read more...
Sugar-sweetened beverages include carbonated soft drinks, fruit flavored drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened teas and coffees. Studies have shown that these beverages, empty in nutritional value, but full of calories, can contribute to serious health issues.
That’s why the University of Michigan Health System, including C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital, is taking a stand when it comes to promoting healthy choices. In Nov. 2013, UMHS will stop serving sugar sweetened beverages and begin offering healthier choices in our Hospitals and Health Centers, administrative buildings and Medical School.
Though any patient, visitor, employee or student is welcome to bring their own beverage to UMHS, not offering these drinks is one step toward creating an environment where people can make a healthy change.
Learn more about the Health Beverage Program through the press release.
Information for patients and visitors is available at
Harp Music Now Available Bedside
In 2002, Gifts of Art’s Bedside Music program started with one musician. Eleven years later, we now have four Bedside Musicians. Betsy Beckerman and Greg Maxwell both play guitar and sing, Wendy Azrak plays viola, and we now have a new harp player! Kathy Holtz, a recent graduate of the Music for Healing and Transition Program™, is now on staff and available part time for visits three days a week. All Gifts of Art Bedside Musicians have special training to provide therapeutic music as a service to our patients. Read more...
We all know the difference music can make for patients in easing stress, pain, and boredom, among other things. Music at the bedside also gives the family something to talk about and enjoy together. Over the life of the program, Nursing has been one of Bedside Music’s best advocates, and we want to thank you for your support! Your help in bringing calming and comforting music to patients and families at the bedside is vital.
Bedside Music is available free of charge. Call Gifts of Art at 734-936-ARTS (2787) or email to request a Bedside Music visit. To find out about Gifts of Art other bedside programs, public performances and art galleries, please visit: For more information on the Music for Healing and Transition Program™ offered in Ann Arbor, please contact Kathy Holtz, or 734-971-9315.
Wendy Azrak, Betsy Beckerman, Kathy Holtz, and Greg Maxwell
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Ezio Fortuna (Children's Emergency Services) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
National Case Management Week (October 13-19) was celebrated on Tuesday, October 15th with an Open House in Ford Auditorium Lobby. The event’s theme this year revolved around "Case Management: Broadening the Continuum of Care". Congratulations to all RN Case Manager and Social Worker teams coming together under our new model of Care Management.

During this year’s MNA convention, several UMHS nurses were recognized in leadership positions: John Armelagos, RN who was elected president of the Michigan Nurses Association, Steven Strahle, RN, was elected to the MNA Board of Directors, Dennis Magiera, RN, was elected to the Impartial committee, Peter Fedor, RN was elected to the Nominations Committee, and Stephanie Knight,RN, was given the Excellence in Nursing Practice Award.
Mary Lynn Parker, MS, RN, 5C Clinical Nurse Specialist and Ellen Deleruyelle, BSN, RN, 5C Nursing Supervisor presented at the International Transplant Nursing Symposium Washington D.C. The title of their talk was "Partnering With Transplant Patients To Improve Communication and Coordination of Care".
Sandra Merkel, MS, RN-BC, was honored by the American Society for Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN) for providing quality care to infants and children with pain. Sandra is one of only of three nurses to have received the prestigious American Society for Pain Management Nursing Nurse Exemplar Award in Pain Management of the Pediatric Patient. The award was presented in front of her peers at the organization’s 2013 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.. Read more...
Sandra has been instrumental on development of FLACC pain scale, used as a foundation for measuring pain in infants to date. She also developed the "Poke and Procedure Program" empowering children to take part in pain management during IV starts, blood draws and procedures. Furthermore, Sandra represents pediatric nursing as member in American Nurses Association, Michigan State Nurses Association, Institute of Professional Nursing & Sigma Theta Tau – Rho in leadership positions (VP, Director, Membership Chair, Delegate). In addition, she is a member of ASPMN task force on Authorized Controlled Analgesia position statement, and assisted in development of subsequent article (2012). Sandra continually dedicates her time and knowledge to the subject of appropriate pain management by involvement in the ASPMN task force on Pain Assessment for the Nonverbal Patient (original & revision). She has devoted over 40 years to pain management to enhance and promote compassion, relief, education and changes in nursing practices.
“We are pleased to recognize Sandra Merkel for her outstanding contribution to the quality care of pediatric patients with pain. She has demonstrated excellence in the areas of patient care, research, collaboration, and education of all patients,” said ASPMN President Joyce Willens, PhD, RN-BC.
The American Society for Pain Management Nursing is an organization of professional nurses dedicated to advancing and promoting optimal nursing care for people affected by pain by promoting best nursing practices. This is accomplished through pain care education, training, advocacy, and research. For more information about the American Society for Pain Management Nursing please visit
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, was a co-author on the recently released "Addictions Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice," published by the American Nurses Association (ANA), and the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNNSA).
The Poke Program was selected by the U of M Voices of the Staff “Staff Works: Best Practices and Technology Conference” to have a poster and oral presentation. Julie Piazza – Child Life Specialist and Mary Watson RN – lead for roll-out in ambulatory care, will be presenting on November 15th. The focus of the presentation is illustrating the technology we have used over the past couple of years.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe has had two recent journal publications. The first of these was a position paper, written with colleagues L. M. Broyles and C. Perhats, on behalf of the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) and the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), titled "Expanded Roles and Responsibilities for Nurses in Screening, Brief Interventions, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Alcohol Use," in the Journal of Addictions Nursing (Volume 24, Number 3, pp. 203-204). The second appears in the October 20143 issue of The Nurse Practitioner (Volume 38, Number 10, pp. 45-53), titled "Addressing Substance Use in Primary Care."
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, recently completed an invited visiting professorship at the University of São Paulo School at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, in Brazil. In addition to other activities, Dr. Strobbe gave an invited talk to the local chapter (Rho Upsilon) of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society, as well as a lecture titled "Mental Health and Human Rights: A Nursing Perspective", promoted by the Research Group in Nursing, Global Health, Law and Development.
Congratulations to U-M Rehab nurse Kristina McCahill who ran her first half marathon: "I run for them. 13.1 miles is nothing compared to their journey." Inspired by patients with spinal injuries, 31-year-old nurse runs Detroit race to raise money for charity. See her story here:
Close to Your Heart 2013 Cardiovascular
Save the Date: Thursday December 5, 2013,
Kensington Court, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Click here or on image for event website.
Yourself sitting right there!
….enjoying the company of colleagues, hearing a presentation by a world-class speaker, earning CE, and having a catered lunch or dinner in the Jack Roth Stadium Club.
- Registration for the October 24 Nurse Week Events at the Big House remains open – Go to MLearning and enter “Nurse Week” in the “search catalogue” area to see available (but limited) options
- Note: even if you are working that day, it is possible to attend an event prior to or after your shift
- if you have registered for the On-Line CE Gift Card, you are ineligible to register for any other options
Scrub Sales in October 2013
October 22 & 23 ~ in the Link between old Mott and Main ~ 7am to 7pm
October 24 ~ at the Big House ~ 7am to 7pm
See what’s new at
the U-M School of Nursing…
The latest information is now available on the web at:
Nurse Week 2013 registration is almost FILLED!
Last call to register for the BIG HOUSE events (Oct 24th)! Register for all Nurse Week events at and click on the National Nurses Week 2013 logo.
Please feel free to contact UMHS Nurse Recruitment & Retention at (734) 936-5183 if you have questions or need assistance.
Ambulatory Care Nursing Conference September 28
Registration is still open for nurses to attend the September 28 conference Ambulatory Care Nursing: Steering the Future of Healthcare.
UMHS Ambulatory Care Nursing department is co-providing this educational program with Henry Ford Health System and the Great Lakes Ambulatory Nursing Networking Group. Information is now posted on the web at:
Congratulations to Survival Flight, celebrating 30 years of service!
Survival Flight is celebrating 30 years of service to the University of Michigan Health System and surrounding communities in Michigan, our neighboring states, and Canada. Survival Flight provides tremendous care every day!
UMHS walks to support diabetes research
The University of Michigan Health System and its faculty, staff, patients and families are participating again this year in the annual Washtenaw County walk to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Read more...
This year’s walk takes place Sunday, Sept. 29 at Hudson Mills Metropark at 9:30 a.m. The park is located at 8801 North Territorial Road in Dexter.
Help this important cause by taking a scenic stroll on paved, flat terrain featuring lagoons, wildlife and the Huron River. The walk route is 3.5 miles. Strollers, wagons and dogs on leashes are welcome (No bikes or rollerblades, please.)
Enjoy morning refreshments, post-walk snacks, entertainment and children's activities. There will be a tent with diabetes information, supplies and exhibits. See the flyer for more details.
You can join your colleagues by participating in the walk, raising funds, and encouraging support from others. Sign up for an existing U-M team or start your own by registering at:
If you would like walk announcement posters, assistance organizing a team in your work area, or help publicizing the walk in other locations, please contact either of this year’s UMHS walk captains:
- Janet Hall, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,, 763-2441
- Perry Schechtman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences,, 763-4658
- Debbie Cicinelli-Timm, MSA, RD, CDE, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, Pediatric Endocrinology Division, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, 734-232-6516,
Through research, great improvements have been made to treat type 1 diabetes and its complications. However, much remains to be learned about how to prevent and treat this disease. You can help! Sign up for the JDRF walk today.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Georgia Hazlett (East Ann Arbor Geriatric Clinic) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
- Recruiting Events FY13
- Sharing Knowledge FY13
Recruiting Events FY13
To increase interest in employment at UMHS upon graduation, recruiters attended 13 nursing school based recruiting events; UMHS recruiter presence at 4 national events including NTI; AONE; Nursing Management Congress and Pediatric Critical Care Nursing Conference aimed to attract candidates for management and open intensive care positions. Recruiters also had a presence at 7 UMHS Nursing conferences and the Michigan student nurse convention. Career Fairs and Launch have been mentioned above.
Sharing Knowledge FY13
Presence at the National Association for Health Care Recruitment (NAHCR) image convention offered opportunity to network with other nurse recruiters and to participate in the program. This year UMHS recruiters were selected to present "Creating a Gateway for Communicating with Hiring Managers" that provided information on the Manager Portal. Also, in the July-Aug 2012 issue of Nursing Economic$ recruiters had "An Online Portal to Support the Role of the Nurse Manager" published.
2013 Schwartz Rounds Conference Schedule
Mark your calendars for the next Schwartz Center Rounds which will take place Monday, September 9, 2013 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the MCHC Auditorium. The topic: “When Values Collide in Pediatric End of Life Care.” All Schwartz Rounds Conferences are held on Mondays from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Click here for upcoming 2013 conference dates...
- Oct 14, 2013, MCHC Aud
- Nov 11, 2013, MCHC Aud
- Dec 09, 2013, MCHC Aud
Sigma Theta Tau - Rho Chapter Grant Awards
Rho Chapter provides grant awards up to $2500 to support members' research and special projects. The Fall submission deadline is coming up quickly: September 30, 2013. Consider applying for an award.
Find more information and the application process on our website.
Congratulations ECMO!
The ELSO Award Committee of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, notified our ECLS Center that they have been awarded the ELSO Award for Excellence in Life Support! "This is a remarkable achievement by your center and the Committee offers you congratulations on behalf of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization."
The Award Presentation Ceremony will be on Saturday September 21st at the 24th Annual ELSO Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Carol Kahn, Clinical Care Coordinator, University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), recently received the Cathy Buffington scholarship to support her attendance at the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) in Washington D.C. in October. The scholarship pays for the conference and provides a $500 stipend to assist with travel and lodging.
2013 Contract Now Online
The 2013 UMPNC contract is now available on-line at the JIT website.
It is searchable by the “Find” function. Contracts are not being printed and it is not intended for the contract (273 pages) to be printed from the website.
Ambulatory Care Nursing Conference September 28
Registration is still open for nurses to attend the September 28 conference Ambulatory Care Nursing: Steering the Future of Healthcare.
UMHS Ambulatory Care Nursing department is co-providing this educational program with Henry Ford Health System and the Great Lakes Ambulatory Nursing Networking Group. Information is now posted on the web at:
Congratulations to Survival Flight, celebrating 30 years of service!
Survival Flight is celebrating 30 years of service to the University of Michigan Health System and surrounding communities in Michigan, our neighboring states, and Canada. Survival Flight provides tremendous care every day!
UMHS walks to support diabetes research
The University of Michigan Health System and its faculty, staff, patients and families are participating again this year in the annual Washtenaw County walk to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Read more...
This year’s walk takes place Sunday, Sept. 29 at Hudson Mills Metropark at 9:30 a.m. The park is located at 8801 North Territorial Road in Dexter.
Help this important cause by taking a scenic stroll on paved, flat terrain featuring lagoons, wildlife and the Huron River. The walk route is 3.5 miles. Strollers, wagons and dogs on leashes are welcome (No bikes or rollerblades, please.)
Enjoy morning refreshments, post-walk snacks, entertainment and children's activities. There will be a tent with diabetes information, supplies and exhibits. See the flyer for more details.
You can join your colleagues by participating in the walk, raising funds, and encouraging support from others. Sign up for an existing U-M team or start your own by registering at:
If you would like walk announcement posters, assistance organizing a team in your work area, or help publicizing the walk in other locations, please contact either of this year’s UMHS walk captains:
- Janet Hall, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,, 763-2441
- Perry Schechtman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences,, 763-4658
- Debbie Cicinelli-Timm, MSA, RD, CDE, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, Pediatric Endocrinology Division, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, 734-232-6516,
Through research, great improvements have been made to treat type 1 diabetes and its complications. However, much remains to be learned about how to prevent and treat this disease. You can help! Sign up for the JDRF walk today.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Georgia Hazlett (East Ann Arbor Geriatric Clinic) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
- Recruiting Events FY13
- Sharing Knowledge FY13
Recruiting Events FY13
To increase interest in employment at UMHS upon graduation, recruiters attended 13 nursing school based recruiting events; UMHS recruiter presence at 4 national events including NTI; AONE; Nursing Management Congress and Pediatric Critical Care Nursing Conference aimed to attract candidates for management and open intensive care positions. Recruiters also had a presence at 7 UMHS Nursing conferences and the Michigan student nurse convention. Career Fairs and Launch have been mentioned above.
Sharing Knowledge FY13
Presence at the National Association for Health Care Recruitment (NAHCR) image convention offered opportunity to network with other nurse recruiters and to participate in the program. This year UMHS recruiters were selected to present "Creating a Gateway for Communicating with Hiring Managers" that provided information on the Manager Portal. Also, in the July-Aug 2012 issue of Nursing Economic$ recruiters had "An Online Portal to Support the Role of the Nurse Manager" published.
2013 Schwartz Rounds Conference Schedule
Mark your calendars for the next Schwartz Center Rounds which will take place Monday, September 9, 2013 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the MCHC Auditorium. The topic: “When Values Collide in Pediatric End of Life Care.” All Schwartz Rounds Conferences are held on Mondays from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Click here for upcoming 2013 conference dates...
- Oct 14, 2013, MCHC Aud
- Nov 11, 2013, MCHC Aud
- Dec 09, 2013, MCHC Aud
Sigma Theta Tau - Rho Chapter Grant Awards
Rho Chapter provides grant awards up to $2500 to support members' research and special projects. The Fall submission deadline is coming up quickly: September 30, 2013. Consider applying for an award.
Find more information and the application process on our website.
Congratulations ECMO!
The ELSO Award Committee of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, notified our ECLS Center that they have been awarded the ELSO Award for Excellence in Life Support! "This is a remarkable achievement by your center and the Committee offers you congratulations on behalf of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization."
The Award Presentation Ceremony will be on Saturday September 21st at the 24th Annual ELSO Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Carol Kahn, Clinical Care Coordinator, University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), recently received the Cathy Buffington scholarship to support her attendance at the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) in Washington D.C. in October. The scholarship pays for the conference and provides a $500 stipend to assist with travel and lodging.
2013 Contract Now Online
The 2013 UMPNC contract is now available on-line at the JIT website.
It is searchable by the “Find” function. Contracts are not being printed and it is not intended for the contract (273 pages) to be printed from the website.
2013 UMHS Nursing Poster Session: Clinical Innovation, Evidence Based Practice, and Research
- General Poster Sessions:
Monday, September 9, 4:30-7pm and
Tuesday, September 10, 10am-2:30pm
Towsley Lobby
- Authors and Library Consultants in attendance:
Monday 4:30-6pm and
Tuesday 12noon-2:00pm - Vote for "People's Choice" Award
Monday 4:30-7pm and
Tuesday 10:00am-1:30pm
0.5 contact hours will be provided after completion of activity*
*University of MI Health System Professional Development & Education (OH-043, 03/01/16) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s commission on Accreditation.
Upcoming Grand Rounds
"To Awake or Not to Awake: Assessing the Pain Patient at Risk". Scheduled for Thursday, September 5, 2013 in Dow auditorium in Towsley from 11-12 noon. 1.0 contact hours with attendance at entire session. This session on pain will be acceptable to meet Michigan RN/LPN licensure requirement.
2013 Contract Now Online
The 2013 UMPNC contract is now available on-line at the JIT website.
It is searchable by the “Find” function. Contracts are not being printed and it is not intended for the contract (273 pages) to be printed from the website.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
In FY13, recruiters supported the hire of 648 nurses. This new "class" includes 218 new grads, 31 NPs, 27 LPNs, 12 CRNAs and 14 nurses who retired and re-hired.
Welcome to nurses hired in FY 2013… You are a select group – chosen from thousands of candidates for a UMHS nursing position. University of Michigan hospital care is recognized by US News and World Report as the best in Michigan and among the best in the nation. Take pride in joining this elite nurse workforce committed to excellence!
Half Time:
- Take a minute and re-visit the 2013 Nurse Week options
- Few slots remain available in October Big House events
- Visit to link to registration
- Remember, you may register for more than one event as long as options are not completely filled… However, if you register for the On-Line CE Gift Card, you are ineligible to register for any other options.
Images show views from event site - inside Jack Roth Stadium Club.
Ambulatory Care: Northville Health Center Planning
The multispecialty health center currently under construction at the corner of Seven Mile and Haggerty Rd. in Northville is scheduled to open in one short year, July, 2014. The center will house adult primary and specialty care, children and women‘s services, adult cancer and non-cancer infusion, a medical procedures unit, Ophthalmology, Musculoskeletal services (Neurosurgery, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Orthopaedic Surgery, Pain/Anesthesiology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, PT, OT, Rheumatology and Speech Therapy), Radiology (including MRI among other services), and lab services from Pathology. We are in the process of determining the staffing needs for these areas.
U-M Receives National Award for Eliminating Healthcare-associated Pneumonia
Congratulations to SICU and TBICU! The Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) and Trauma Burn Intensive Care Unit (TBICU) received an outstanding achievement and leadership award for eliminating ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
U-M was one of only eight hospitals and healthcare organizations in the U.S. to receive the award co-sponsored by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health HAI initiative and the Critical Care Societies Collaborative (CCSC), which is composed of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society and Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Award recipients demonstrated success in reducing and eliminating central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), or catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) for 25 months or longer and showed national leadership in sharing their evidence-based initiatives to improve clinical practice. These are among the most common HAIs that patients acquire while receiving medical treatment for other conditions.
This is the third award for UMHS, which received the 2012 USDHHS/CCSC outstanding leadership award for achievements in eliminating central line-associated bloodstream infections.
School of Nursing Dean Potempa in The Wall Street Journal
Read Dean Potempa’s (SON) commentary on how to deal with an expected primary care provider shortage in the Wall Street Journal, in a roundtable with such experts as CEOs of Kaiser Permanente and the Commonwealth Fund, chair of Bausch and Lomb, MDs from Duke, Yale, UC, Hopkins—and the med advisor to the TV show "House"! It‘s now open for public comment.
U-M Trauma Burn Earns High National Praise
U-M Trauma Burn Center earns high national praise for care, research, training and prevention programs. American Burn Association verification renewed; initiatives reach thousands of patients, at-risk youth, first responders and medical providers.
The University of Michigan Trauma Burn Center has once again earned national verification for its burn programs, after an in-depth review by a panel of experts who called the center "outstanding" and "excellent", and its prevention programs "world-class."
To read the complete story:
UMHS Nurses Recognized Nationally for Excellence
Three nurses at the U-M Health System have received Nursing Excellence Awards from
Jenna Dziedzic, R.N., B.S.N., nurse educator, cardiac ICU; Joan McNeice, nurse manager, CICU; and Sarah Elizabeth DeFlon, R.N., M.S., A.C.N.S.-B.C., registered nurse/ cardiology, were all recognized for their outstanding achievements. Read more...
Each year, a national search is held to find the most exceptional nurses in the country. This year, continued its tradition of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of dedicated nurses, resulting in the naming of six special nurses as 2013 Nursing Excellence GEM awardees. In each region, five remarkable nurses in six specialized categories were chosen from hundreds of colleague nominations.
"The GEM Awards are our way of publicly recognizing excellence in nursing by awarding nurses who were nominated, selected and celebrated by other nurses, and who represent the best of the best in our profession. It is our privilege to honor them," said Cheryl Portner, R.N., M.S.N., vice president of staff development and training and nurse executive, Greater Chicago region.
Read more here about the work and achievements of these UMHS employees and visit the photo gallery/bio page to learn about the winners.
Stephen Strobbe PhD, RN has many accomplishments this fiscal year:
PUBLICATION: Oliver, J., Coggins, C., Compton, P., Hagan, S., Matteliano, D., Stanton, M., St. Marie, B., Strobbe, S., & Turner, H. N. (2012). [Dual publication]. American Society for Pain Management Nursing position statement: Pain management in patients with substance use disorders. Pain Management Nursing Journal, 13(13), 169-183. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 23(3), 210-222.
PUBLICATION: Strobbe, S., Hagerty, B., & Boyd, C. (2012). [Continuing education feature]. Applying the nursing Theory of Human Relatedness to alcoholism and recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 23(4), 241-247.
- PUBLICATION: Strobbe, S., Thompson, S. M., & Zucker, R. A. (2013). [Special issue: Interdisciplinary collaboration in addiction education]. Teaching college students about Alcoholics Anonymous: An experiential approach. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 24(1), 51-57.
POSTER: Cranford, J. A., Tennen, H., Ivanova, M. Y., Chen, L., Strobbe, S., Brower, K. J., & Zucker, R. A. Feasibility of using interactive voice response (IVR) to study daily processes in alcoholic families. International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) Annual Educational Conference, Washington DC, September, 2012.
PRESENTATION: Strobbe, S. Buprenorphine Clinic: A Multidisciplinary Model for Opioid Replacement Therapy. A webinar offered by the Prescribers‘ Clinical Support System for Opioid Therapies (PCSS-O), funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), June 2012.
PRESENTATION: Strobbe, S., & Compton, P. Anatomy of a Position Statement: Pain Management in Patients with Substance Use Disorders. International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) Annual Educational Conference, Washington DC, September 2012.
- PRESENTATION: Strobbe, S. Substance Use Disorders in the Nursing Profession. Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) Conference, Okemos, MI, May 2013.
Transplant Program Performs 2,000th Liver Transplant
The Transplant Program performed their 2,000th Liver Transplant this month and was featured on Channel 4 news as a part of their Mother’s Day celebration. Watch the video at:
New Certification Scholarship named for
Candia Baker Laughlin!
Suzanne Wells, President, announced at the 2013 conference that a $1,000 perpetual certification scholarship has
been named in honor of Candia Baker Laughlin, MS, RN-BC. The scholarship recognizes Candy’s commitment to
nurses achieving certification, as well as honors all of the work she has done to educate ambulatory and telehealth
nurses around the world. The scholarship will be awarded annually to one member to cover the exam fee, study
materials, and other expenses related to achieving certification.
What's New In Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
Nurse Week Celebration Updates
- First round registration is complete.
- Registration re-opens May 30. Beginning May 30, nurses may select one additional option
from choices that have not filled.
Look for option details @
Second Round Registration Begins May 30
IBCLC Care Award
Mott and VVWH Lactation Consultants have received the IBCLC Care Award. Their daily efforts, to promote and support breastfeeding moms and infants to provide mother’s milk, ensures that we are proving outstanding patient care, consistent with the Michigan Difference.
The Lactation Consultants that have received this honor: Kim Armstrong, Linda Faubert, Carrie Pawlowski, Johanna Rose, and Tenley Street.

UMHS Nurses Receive
Regional Awards
Three UMHS nurses were recently notified this month that they will receive one of six Nursing Excellence Awards from Heartland/Midwest The GEM Awards are given by nurses to acknowledge excellence in nursing care and leadership. Jenna Dziedzic, RN from Unit 7D received the Nursing Excellence award in the Clinical Care, Inpatient category, Sarah Deflon from Unit 7C received the award for Volunteerism, and Joan McNiece, RN, Nurse Manager of CVC4 and CVC5 received the GEM Award for Patient and Staff Management.
Theresa Kennedy, RN, BSN and Sue Roebuck, RN, BSN 12 East staff, represented our C&W Hospital at the recent “Get Connected“ conference sponsored by the Get Well Network (GWN) held in San Diego. Theresa represented UMHS on a panel discussion regarding the digital whiteboard project that is being piloted on 12 East Mott. The conference was three days of intense collaboration, introductions to innovative technology and motivational discussions with the GWN staff and other institutions from across the nation. The future plan is for GWN to be deployed throughout our institution as a Patient Interactive Care System, including digital whiteboard.
Brian J. Armstrong, RN (Peds Cardiology) of the Michigan Congenital Heart Center and others presented their abstract and poster, “Map Shift on Carto 3 Due to Right Main Stem Intubation in a Child During ‘Minimal Fluoro’ Ablation” at the Heart Rhythm Society in Denver, Colorado.
Denise O’Brien, RN (PACU) recently had a chapter published: O’Brien, D. (2014). The perianesthesia patient. In Urden, L. D., Stacy, K. M., & Lough, M. E. (Eds.). Critical care nursing: Diagnosis and management (Chapter 42). St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier.
The 1st Annual Burn Injury Awareness Weekend was a big success!
It was an inspiring celebration with our burn survivors, families, and community partners. We had 50 attendees at the Saturday Burn Survivor and Family Education Workshop, 9 educational safety booths, and over 200 people walked to promote burn awareness and prevention.
Be sure to join us next year and spread the word on burn injury awareness and prevention!
Ambulatory Care:
- Ambulatory Care Nursing Conference September 28
- Michigan Reproductive Nurses Association's 14th Annual Conference April 13th at Eagle Crest Conference Center
Ambulatory Care Nursing Conference September 28:
Please mark the date on your calendar and plan to attend the September 28 conference Ambulatory Care Nursing: Steering the Future of Healthcare. UMHS Ambulatory Care Nursing department is co-providing this educational program with Henry Ford Health System and the Great Lakes Ambulatory Nursing Networking Group. Information is now posted on the web at:Michigan Reproductive Nurses Association's 14th Annual Conference April 13th at Eagle Crest Conference Center
“Best conference ever.” “Very dynamic speakers.” These were just a few of the positive comments shared by the thirty eight reproductive endocrinology nurses attending Michigan Reproductive Nurses Association’s 14th Annual Conference held April 13th at the Eagle Crest Conference Center.Guest speakers are both nationally and internationally known in the field of reproductive endocrinology; this year including UMMC Jason Swain Ph.D., HCLD Director ART Laboratories, Assistant Professor OB/GYN, Center for Reproductive Medicine. The conference is planned and executed by a voluntary board of five reproductive endocrinology nurses including Center for Reproductive Medicine nurses, Kristina Bak, BSN RN acting President and DeLynn Howe, BSN, RNC current Treasurer.
MRNA's mission is to be a leader in the development and advancement of quality educational opportunities for nurses, other practitioners, and patients in the field of REI and Ob/Gyn. MRNA is a respected and recognized leader in the development of continuing educational opportunities for nurses and other practitioners in the field of REI and Ob/Gyn around the country.
Nursing at Michigan -
Our Journey to Excellence
Marge Calarco's annual address reflecting on the many accomplishments of UMHS Nursing and our journey ahead is scheduled for May 30, 2013, 11 am - 12 noon, Dow Auditorium in Towsley.
What's New In Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
- National Nurses “Week” Celebrations to be announced!
Look for option details @
Registration May 6 – 20, 2013
Groundbreaking for our new School of Nursing
See what’s new at the U-M School of Nursing… The latest information is now available on the web at:
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Heather Stoll and Katie Maly (SICU) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.

Patricia Paulin at International Workshop at Johns Hopkins University
Patricia Paulin, RN in the Transplant Program, spoke at an International Workshop at Johns Hopkins University on April 8-9th. The workshop was sponsored by the Wilson‘s Disease Association (WDA) and entitled "Human Disorders of Copper Metabolism: Recent Advances and Main Challenges." Patti has also been asked to serve as a board member of the WDA.
The UMHS SICU and TBICU have been selected for the National Awards Program to Recognize Achievements in Eliminating Healthcare-Associated Infections, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Healthcare Quality and the Critical Care Societies Collaborative -- composed of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society and Society of Critical Care Medicine.
They will receive an Outstanding Achievement and Leadership Award for Eliminating Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia on Monday, May 20, 2013 during the opening session of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses‘ 2013 National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition in the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston, Massachusetts (Hall A).
UMHS Nurses honored by Sigma Theta Tau
Sharon Smith, PhD, RN (Director of Professional Development & Education) and President of Sigma Theta Tau, Rho Chapter, presided over the 2013 Rho Chapter induction and awards ceremony in April.
The following UMHS nurses were inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, International:
- Michelle Nemshak, MSN, RN (CNS – Brandon NICU)
- Dorinda Nance, MSN, RN (CNS – 4A and 4B)
- Alaina Robinson, BSN, RN (Emergency Department)
- Charleen Minard, BSN, RN (CVC)
The recipients of Rho Chapter Awards:
- Laurie Hartman, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC (Director of Advanced Practice Nursing and Faculty) received the Excellence in Nursing Education Award; and
- Sarah Taylor, MSN, RN, RN-BC (Clinical Nurse Specialist in Trauma and Trauma Burn) received the Rising Star Award for her work in clinical practice improvements.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, and colleagues Stephanie Thompson and Dr. Bob Zucker from the Department of Psychiatry, who recently published an article titled, "Teaching College Students about Alcoholics Anonymous: An Experiential Approach." The article, based on their work with undergraduate psychology students, was published in a special issue of the Journal of Addictions Nursing, dedicated to Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Addiction Education (Vol. 24, issue 1, pp. 51-57).
What's New In Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
- Nursing at Michigan Gear -
New items - Recruiting Event
- Pre-Season Plan - In the huddle: Finalizing 2013 Nurse Week options
Nursing at Michigan Gear
~ NEW Items ~
Scrub top – new design available
Go to to purchase
Recruiting Event
Nurse Recruitment & Retention and CSR hosted a CSR Open House in February. 72 RNs attended an informational session about temporary and regular employment opportunities available in CSR.
Pre-Season Plan:
- In the huddle: Finalizing 2013 Nurse Week options
- Look for kick-off coming in May; visit
- Quarterback sneak (peek): BIG HOUSE event coming in October!
Nominate a Colleague for an IPN Award by April 15th!
The nomination deadline for the 2013 IPN Leadership and Educational awards has been extended to April 15, 2013. These awards will be awarded at the May 8, 2013 IPN Spring Award and CE Dinner in Ann Arbor. Program information can be found here Program registration will be coming soon.
Any RN candidate must either live or work in Michigan to be eligible for the nomination for either the Leadership or Educational. Self-nominations are welcomed. Please consider nominating a deserving candidate today. Information and applications can be found at the IPN website at
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Elisha Talley, BSN, RN (PCTU) was recognized on the DAISY Foundation's national website. Check out her story here...
The team from Brandon Newborn ICU has been a key contributor to the work of the Vermont Oxford Network NICQ Improvement Collaborative. In 2013, a series of meetings called ONSITE was introduced, that will be hosted by participating teams. Michelle Nemshak, MSN, RNC-NIC and the team at UMHS, including Brenda Miller (family advisor); Bob Schumacher, MD; Rebecca Vartanian, MD; Wendy Kenyon, RN, BSN; and Sue Hieber, BBA planned and hosted the first of the ONSITE meeting at UMHS on March 1 and 2, 2013. Teams from six other NICUs in the Vermont Oxford NICQ Collaborative joined the UMHS team and staff to engage in deep contextual inquiry, designed to amplify their improvement efforts. The team at UMHS created a spectacular agenda for learning, including broad participation by NICU staff and parents in activities that took full advantage of the superb resources at UMHS.
Terri Voepel-Lewis, MS, RN, Mary Lynn Parker, MS, RN, and Connie Burke, MS, RN had an article published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies, March 2013. "Pulse Oximetry Desaturation Alarms on a General Postoperative Adult Unit: A Prospective Observational Study of Nurse Response Time".
Craig Sadler, Rob Wonnacott, and John Swirple were recently mentioned in a Livingston newspaper… Click on this link to read a Livingston Daily News article about male nurses featuring Craig Sadler in pics:
Karen Scanlon, DNP, APRN-BC, Nurse Practitioner on the Surgical Oncology team in the Cancer Center, recently presented a poster at the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioner conference held in Lansing. The poster was titled Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Breast Cancer. Her poster won the people‘s choice award and the research award during the conference. Karen will be retiring from her position with the team 5 surgical oncology group on April 11th.
Karla Ahrns Klas, BSN, RN, CCRP (TBICU) wrote a chapter called "Burns" that was recently published in the 2013 Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 6th Edition textbook.
Donna Marvicsin, PhD, PNP-BC, CDE, Clinical Assistant Professor in Division II, was selected as the “PNP of the Year” by the Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) for excellence in promoting child health, community involvement, research and promoting the role of the pediatric nurse practitioner.
Candia Laughlin has published Ambulatory Care Nursing Review Questions, Fourth Edition, through the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. This booklet contains a set of 180 mock test items is designed to assist ambulatory care nurses assessing their knowledge of the specialty, and is a useful tool for preparation for certification.
Katie Nelson, DNP, RN, CPNP-AC/PC, Nurse Practitioner Coordinator of Research and Education for the Congenital Heart Center and Mary Lynn Parker, MS, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist for units 5A and 5C spent a week in February teaching nursing leaders and educators at LaMascota Children‘s Hospital in Managua, Nicaragua.
BSN students Evelyn Shea and Kristen Choi won awards from Midwest Nursing Research Society. Evelyn Shea was awarded the third place for her BSN poster titled, "Family Role Strain, Adolescents‘ Perceived Parental Sexual Attitudes and the Parent-Adolescent Relationship." Kristen Choi was awarded as one of the 2013 scholarship recipients at MNRS. Her abstract was titled "Family Spirituality and Communication as Protectors of Filial Efficacy and Mechanisms for Decreased Risky Behavior in Adolescents."
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention: New Website Launched 2/12/2013 –
Visit the easy-to-navigate UMHS interactive website with design features that include:
- Icon leading to Social Job Matcher
- Routes to view videos about UMHS nursing
- Option to directly connect to UMnursing gear site
- Links to nurse event registration
- Opportunity for applicants to chat with a recruiter
- Choice to drive down to details about clinical units
Click here to see a photo montage of new images that grace each link... and find a colleague you know! And please visit our new display in the glass display case located on the first floor of UH. Nurses who participated in a recent “casting call” are featured.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Suzanne Bauer, Meg Sietsema, Emily Brady, Kate Thornsberry, Elisha Talley and Matt Abrahamson (PCTU) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
2013 Dean's Research Day
The University of Michigan, School of Nursing invites you to participate in the 2013 Dean's Research Day. This year, the event will focus on Improving Family Health Through Practice-Changing Research. In addition to presentations from faculty, students, and nurse clinicians about the results of ongoing and completed research, we are proud to present the Suzanne Brouse Lecture by Janet A. Deatrick, PhD, RN, FAAN, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. Please join us for an engaging and critical discussion on the science of nursing. Register now!
Sarah Jarvis, RN (7W) is currently in Wayne State University's DNP program. She was recently elected to the Michigan Council of NP's - DNP leadership as the chair for WSU.
12 East nurses Theresa Kennedy and Sue Roebuck presented at a national webinar for the Get Well Network Whiteboards on Wednesday 2/20/2013. Our hospital, 12 East specifically, was chosen to be a beta testing site for the Get Well Network's virtual whiteboard. We rolled out the pilot a few months ago and our hospital was featured on the Get Well Network's “Interactive patient Whiteboard Webinar” to discuss the project. Sue and Theresa talked about the in-patient roll-out and how it fits in with our new Model of Care. Kara Slater and Loree Collett were also part of the talk. The Women's Birth Center is set to go live with this soon and it will be rolled out throughout Mott in the future.
Mary Beth DeRubeis submitted her manuscript "Outcomes Evaluation of a Weekly Nurse Practitioner-Managed Symptom Management Clinic for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated With Chemoradiotherapy" to Oncology Nursing Forum and was selected for publication later this year in their November 2013 issue.
Congratulations to the Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital
The benchmark report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2011 survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) was released recently, and the University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers' quality score was 94 out of 100. Read more...
Across Michigan the average score was 65, and the national average mPINC score was 70. The Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) Survey is a national survey of infant feeding practices in facilities that provide maternity care services. Our participation in this survey, along with our excellent score, demonstrates our commitment to continuous quality improvement.
We are very proud of the work being done by our Von Voigtlander Women's staff to promote and support the health benefits of breastfeeding. Thank you for your outstanding efforts.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Sarah Miller, RN (Women's Birthing Center) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
Peggy Esper, Cancer Center APN and School of Nursing CAFN member, was selected as the ONS 2013 Clinical Lectureship award. This very prestigious lecture will be delivered in April at the ONS Annual Congress.
Karen Scanlon, DNP, Nurse Practitioner with the Cancer Center surgical oncology team, had her poster accepted for the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners spring conference. The topic is "Complimentary/Alternative Medicine Use in Breast Cancer".
Denise O'Brien, DNP, RN, FAAN, ACNS-BC, Perianesthesia Clinical Nurse Specialist, received the Madonna University 2012 Alumni Professional Achievement Award. The award is one of four alumni awards given annually by the University. This year's award was particularly significant because it is the 75th Anniversary of Madonna's founding and the 50th Anniversary of the College of Nursing.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, PhD, RN, Clinical Associate Professor, and colleagues from the University of Michigan School of Nursing, recently had an article published, that was also featured as a continuing education offering. The citation is: Strobbe, S., Hagerty, B., & Boyd, C. (2012). Applying the nursing Theory of Human Relatedness to alcoholism and recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 23(4), 241-247.
Congratulations to many UMHS nurses who recently published in a recent issue of Critical Care Nurse Quarterly!
The issue focused on our work in mobilizing patients and will serve as an important reference for the profession included many UMHS authors with these articles: Read more...
Issue Editors: Dr Leah Shever and Sharon Dickinson
- Foreword: Leah Shever PhD, RN & Sharon Dickinson MSN, RN, CNS-BC, ANP, CCRN
- Editorial: Marge Calarco PhD, RN
- Optimizing Nutrition Therapy to Enhance Mobility in Critically Ill Patients - Jill R. Cherry-Bukowiec, MD, MS, FACS
- Building a Protocol to Guide Mobility in the ICU (Jennifer and Sharon share first authorship) - Jennifer Dammeyer, MSN, RN, CNS, ANP, CCRN, Sharon Dickinson MSN, RN, CNS-BC, ANP, CCRN, Donald Packard, Noel Baldwin, BSN, RN and Connie Rickelmann, BSN, RN
- Special Considerations for Mobilizing Patients in the Neuro-ICU - Mary Jo Kocan, MSN, RN, CNRN and Hendrika Lietz, DPT PT, NCS
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to Early Mobilization of Burn Patients - Sarah Taylor MSN, RNACNS-BC, Sophie Manning, BSc, PT and Jill Quarles, MS, PT
- Guarding the Gut: Early Mobility After Abdominal Surgery - Renee Havey, MSN, RN, CCRN, Emily Herriman, BSN, RN, CCRN and Denise O'Brien, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, FAAN
- Mobilization of Intensive Care Cardiac Surgery Patients on Mechanical Circulatory Support - Regi Freeman, MSN, RN, CNS and Kimberly Maley, BSN, RN
- Extending the Benefits of Early Mobility to Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: The Michigan Experience - Cheryl L. Talley, RN, Robert O. Wonnacott, ADN, RN, Janice Schuette, RN, BSN, CCRN, Jill Jamieson, RN and Michael Heung, MD
- Equipment Used for Safe Mobilization of the ICU Patient - Annamarie Asher, BS, PT, NCS
- Mobilizing Outcomes: Implementation of a Nurse-Led Multidisciplinary Mobility Program - Jennifer Dammeyer, MSN, RN, CNS, ANP, CCRN, Noel Baldwin, BSN, RN, Donald Packard, Susan Harrington, PT, NCS, C/NDT, Brooke Christofferson, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, Julie Christopher, RN, BSN, Cathy Strachan, RN, and Jack Iwashyna, MD
- Financial Implications of Starting a Mobility Program in a Surgical Critical Care Unit - Diane J. Knoblauch, JD, MSN, RN, MaryAnn Bettis, MSN, CNML, RN, Francene Lundy, BSN, MSA, and Craig Meldrum, BBA
- Can the Use of an Early Mobility Program Reduce the Incidence of Pressure Ulcers in a Surgical Critical Care Unit? - Sharon Dickinson MSN, RN, CNS-BC, ANP, CCRN, Dana Tschannan, PHD, RN, and Leah Shever, PhD, RN
- Making Strides in Preventing ICU-Acquired Weakness: Involving Family in Early Progressive Mobility - Christina D. Rukstele, MSN, RN and Mary Gagnon, BSN, RN
We had two authors from other facilities:
- Mechanisms for Muscle Health in the ICU Patient - Chris Winkelman, PhD, RN, CCRN, ACNP, RCCM
- Understanding Critically Ill Patients Hemodynamic Response to Mobilization: Using the Evidence to Make It Safe and Feasible - Kathleen M. Vollman, MSN, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FAAN
Ambulatory Care:
- East Ann Arbor Infusion Expanded Hours
- New MiChart Videos Online
- Change to MiChart Current Meds List
East Ann Arbor Infusion Expanded Hours
In response to the increasing demand for outpatient infusions for non-cancer patients, the East Ann Arbor Infusion Center has expanded its hours of service to include Monday and Tuesday evenings until 7 p.m. and Saturday morning. In addition, staff are being hired for the opening of a new infusion center at Taubman, projected to open in April of this year.
United Way 2012 - It is never too late to help!
Did you know that a 10 a month contribution to United Way
- Provides 30 weeks of meals and home visits for disabled seniors
- Provides a struggling parent with 2 months of formula and diapers
- Provides an at-risk student with 134 hours of tutoring
- Provides an uninsured patient with a year's worth for 4 medications.
It is never too late to help! Additional information is located at, call 763-3109 or send questions to
Nursing at Michigan – Making a Difference in the world!
Congratulations to Candia Baker Laughlin, MS, RN-BC, (Director, Ambulatory Care Nursing) who served as the Editor of Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Care Nursing, Third Edition. This is the second edition that Candy has edited!
In addition, Candy and several other UMHS nurses were included in this important work!
- Candia Baker Laughlin, MS, RN-BC co-authored - Transcultural Nursing Care.
- Candia Baker Laughlin also co-authored – Care of the Acutely Ill Patient.
- Marie Beisel, MSN, RN, (Ambulatory Care Services) CPHQ co-authored - Ambulatory Nursing Role in Chronic Illness Care.
- Mark Cichocki, RN, HIV Nurse Educator (HIV/AIDS Treatment Program) co-authored - Care of the Chronically Ill Patient.
- Reviewers: Marna K. Flaherty-Robb, Susan Olsson, Dana Tschannen.
Nurses remain nation's most trustworthy profession…
Americans identified nurses as the most trustworthy professionals for the 11th straight year in Gallup's annual "Honesty and Ethics" survey. For the survey, which has been conducted since 1976, Gallup interviewed 1,015 U.S. adults by telephone to assess the trustworthiness of 22 professions.
Call for Poster Abstracts
15th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference
March 15, 2013, "Building a Solid Foundation"
Kensington Court - Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Requirements for all posters:
- Must have been previously accepted elsewhere
- Relevant to nursing practice (indicate whether EBP, CI or Nursing Research)
- A poster author is required to be present during two discussion periods (one morning and one afternoon discussion period)
- Poster authors are to provide their own poster board for mounting and easel or other stand for displaying (or easel/ display stand can be provided for a fee)
Submit complete abstract by Jan. 14, 2013 to:
Conference sponsored by: University of Michigan Health System, Saint Joseph Mercy Health System, and VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.
Valerie Marsh, MSN, RN, Perioperative Education Specialist Supervisor and Elizabeth Charron, BSN, RN (6D and UM-School of Nursing Senior MSN student) were selected to present their evidenced based practice poster at AORN Congress in San Diego, March 3 – 7, 2013. Their poster, "Training OR RN Interns: A New Approach Using an Operating Room Simulation Center" was based on a 3 site program developed and implemented. Valerie and Elizabeth were able to demonstrate from their study that the OR Training Center does indeed increase the RN Interns' level of competence, confidence and job satisfaction.
Congratulations to Julie Grunawalt and 5B! The 5B Project Move work was selected as one of the breakout sessions for the Annual Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses to be held in Nashville next September.
Staying prepared – How would
UMHS respond to an emergency
like Hurricane Sandy?
The recent devastation from Hurricane Sandy and subsequent hospital and biomedical laboratory closures in New York and New Jersey have once again brought to light the U-M Health System's responsibility to remain prepared for unexpected emergencies – both weather-related and otherwise.
If it happened here, would you know what to do? Learn how to protect yourself and assist patients, visitors and colleagues if an emergency occurs at Health System Headlines.
Influencing Ambulatory Care Nursing Practice
Congratulations to Candia Baker Laughlin, MS, RN-BC, Director of Nursing, Ambulatory Care, who is the editor of the newly published Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Care Nursing, 3rd Edition, published by the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. Content from the 2nd edition (also edited by Candia) has been revised and enhanced, and reflects the new test content addressed in the Ambulatory Care Nursing certification exam offered by American Nurses Credentialing Center. The textbook also offers over 30 hours of continuing education credit.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Samantha Wylie and Toni Tilley (12W) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
Laura-Jean Siggens, MSN, RN, CPN, Clinical Care Coordinator in the Cancer Center, presented, "A unique case study on a von Willebrand Disease type III patient who has an inhibitor" at the National Hemophilia Foundation annual Meeting in Orlando Florida on Nov. 9, 2012.
Denise O'Brien, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, CPAN, CAPA, FAAN (OR/PACU), received the 2012 Outstanding DNP Graduate Award from the Kappa Iota Chapter (Madonna University) of Sigma Theta Tau International awarded in October.
Regi Freeman, MSN, RN, CNS (CVC4); Scott McKee, BSN, RN (4C); Bethany Lee-Lehner, BSN, RN (4C); and Jennifer Pesenecker, BSN, RN (4C) recently published Reducing Interruptions to Improve Medication Safety in the October 2012 Journal of Nursing Care Quality.
Sarah Taylor, MS, RN, ACNS-BC, Lori Pelham, MSN, RN, Sharon Dickinson, MS, ANP, BC published: "Can the Utilization of an Early Mobility Protocol Improve Outcomes in the Burn Patient?"
"What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
Announcing Winners of the Scrub Set Drawing... Entries were submitted by those UMHS nurses taking the October all-nurse survey asking for feedback on 2012 Nurse Week options. The ten winners are: Charlotte Breck - 6B; Michelle Ellsworth - Briarwood; Brianna Freedman - 5C; Daniel King - 4D; Julie Kurzer - PCTU; Tim Launius - 6D; Jan McWethy - 9C; Chris Meilleur - OBS Unit; Heidi Robb - Cancer Center; Sharon Wilson - 12E.
The All-nurse 2012 Nurse Weed Feedback Survey findings...
Thank you to all nurses who made time to register their opinion and provide direction for planning for Nurse Week 2013. Read more...
738 nurses responded – 56% (401) of the respondents had not selected a 2012 Nurse Week option. Of those who did not participate, 178 were unable to attend an event due to work or personal scheduling issues and 120 were not interested in any of the 2012 options. Other reasons for non-participation included: "I did not know about it" and "The option I selected was full when I tried to register".
The largest number of nurses responding to the survey wanted to keep review courses. Many specific courses were requested and some new ideas for content and venue were proposed. CE gift Cards were specifically mentioned as a good option for those who found it difficult to make time to attend an all-day or two-day course. Many suggested that some educational events be offered as one-day events. There was interest in bringing back bus trips that were viewed as opportunities for: UMHS nurses to present material; learning while riding; building friendships; and plain old fun. 6% were interested in a gift – specific suggestions included scrubs, mugs, and coupons for massages. Your feedback has been shared with the Nurse Retention Team. Members of the team added opinions of co-workers as Nurse Week options for 2013 were discussed.
"The Poke Program:
Making Needlesticks and Procedures
Less Painful for Children"
The Poke Program is an exciting EBP project conducted by a team from C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voightlander Women's Hospital. Read more...
Team members include: Sandra Merkel, MS, RN-BC; Catherine Desmet, BSN, RN; Diane Setlock, BSN, RN, CRNI; Julie Piazza, MS, CCLS; Sue Quinn, BSN, RN; Harry Neusius, SM (ASCP), MBA; Deborah Wagner, PharmD; Deborah Hardenbrook, RN; Mary Watson, MSBA, RN; Paula Garrett, BSN, RN; Michael Lapointe, RN; Shannon Scott-Miller, MA, CCLS, ATR-BC; Cindy Straub; Kathleen Gibbons, MD; and many other "champions." This multidisciplinary group was formed to improve pain management, decrease anxiety, and increase satisfaction with needlesticks. To learn more about this EBP project, please visit the NNPN website.
Many Faces of Nursing: Creative Writing & Digital Photography. Advance Practice Registered Nurses
Please take a few moments to see a new art exhibit that was done in collaboration with Gift of Art, intended to showcase photos of CNSs, CNMs, CRNAs, and NPs as well as their stories and thoughts about what it means to be an advanced practice nurse at UMHS! Read more...
This exhibit features portraits of and stories by Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who work at the University of Michigan Health System. Stories by these nurses with advanced training overlay their portraits with words. Led by Assistant Professor Laurie Hartman, this collaboration with Gifts of Art shines a spotlight on APRNs, explaining how in their work they conduct evaluations, order and interpret diagnostic tests, deliver various treatments and prescribe medications. Nurses, who tend to treat patients in a holistic manner, viewing humans across the lifespan as biological, psychological, social and spiritual beings, are consistently among the most highly trusted professionals in the nation.
Gifts of Art Gallery — University Hospital Main Corridor, Floor 2. On display October 15-December 10, 2012
For information on Many Faces of Advance Practice Nursing: Story Portraits, please visit:
The HOPE Award... Recognizing Excellence in Patient and Family-Centered Care
Congratulations to Dawn Singer, RN, who was nominated for The Evan Newport Annual HOPE Award, which recognizes excellence in Patient and Family-Centered Care.
Announcing the Palliative & End of Life Educational Media Website...
Congratulations to the Palliative & End of Life Educational Media team on their new website! The website features the films "Evan Mayday's Good Death" and "Difficult Decisions in Pediatric Care: Just Because We Can, Should We?" Information about caring for patients and families who receive palliative care, including end-of-life care is provided. Explore the new website at:
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention...
ANNOUNCING: Sale of "Nursing at Michigan" items including scrubs, scrub jackets, navy polos, yellow polos, periwinkle blue fleece, and long sleeve t-shirts. November 19th and 20th, 7am to 7pm – Located in the Towsley Link
Can't attend the sale? Go to to purchase.
The Nurse Recruitment and Retention team would like to acknowledge the contribution of staff, supervisors, managers, and directors at the Fall UMHS Nursing Career Fair held on Sunday, October 21st. Thanks to all who participated by providing information about UMHS and engaging new and experienced nurses to help us build a talent pipeline for current and future Nursing needs.
The Joint Conference on Advances in Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease Management in Traverse City was held September 20-23. Read more...
- Presenting for 11 West Mott:
- Debra Hardenbrook, BSN, RN presented "Use of Mock Code Simulation to Improve Code Team Performance"
- Anita Millet, BSN, RN presented "Meeting Nursing Challenges in a Changing Hospital Environment"
- Presenting for PCTU:
- Erin Trotter, BSN, RN presented "Utilization of Evidenced Based Practice by RN's in the PCTU"
- Connie Myres presented "Utilization of Invitational Theory in PCTU's Critical Care Preceptor Program" and "Multidisciplinary Approach to Sedation Goals and Treatment Algorithms to treat Pain and Sedation Needs of PCTU Patients"
- Presenting for the Pediatric Cardiac Advanced Practice Team:
- Brynn Dechert Crooks, CPNP presented "Decreasing the Shock Value of an ICD: Antitachycardia pacing in the Young and Should Cardiac Devices Be Reprogrammed Before Procedures?
Peg Esper, Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center, has published an article Concepts in advanced renal carcinoma in Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Vol 28, No 3 (August), 2012: pp 170-179. She describes treatment options for advanced renal cell carcinoma that have increased dramatically over the past 6 years as a result of improved understanding of the biology of renal cancer and the development of therapies to target pathways relevant to tumor progression.
The Association for Vascular Access (AVA) held its 26th Annual Scientific meeting in San Antonio TX. AVA is a multidisciplinary professional organization uniquely positioned as the leader in vascular access education. Lorelei Papke, MSN, RN, Interim Nurse Manager in Ambulatory Care, was an invited speaker at a preconference symposium titled "Effective Management of Vascular Access Services" speaking about meeting the customer access care needs utilizing the lean process. Lorelei also co-presented a case study titled "Tip positioning Technology for PICC Insertion: A Case Study of Inadvertent Arterial Cannulation: What are the risks? What is the solution?"
Sue Housholder, a nurse practitioner working with the aortic destination program, received an award for Outstanding Service to the Michigan Chapter of the American College of Cardiology at their conference in Traverse City this past month. She was recognized for her work as Cardiac Care Associate State Liaison from 2004-2007. Sue has a long history of service of improving healthcare policy and promoting quality patient care at the local, state, and national level.
Molly Brummond, RN, BSN, OCN co-presented this spring at the Child Life Council Annual Conference. She presented "A Pilot Program: Introducing Child Life into a Radiation Oncology Clinic". Molly is a nurse in Radiation Oncology and integral part of proving the need and value of having a Child Life Specialist embedded within their team to assist with pediatric patients receiving radiation therapy.
Judith Coucouvanis, Nurse Practitioner, Ambulatory Psychiatry, was notified that her book on autism has been translated into Chinese by Dr. Hwang and his colleagues and this resulted in a 2-day workshop on Super Skills in KaoShiong city, the second largest city in Taiwan. There will be two more similar workshops in Taipei and Taichung.
Marcia Leonard, RN PNP/O CHHON presented "ALL: Improving Outcomes Through Clinical Trials" at the Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Annual Conference. This presentation provided information on lab tests, clinical findings, how they are used in classification of disease and eligibility to research protocols. The presentation described front-line research protocols and discussed case studies.
Winnie Wood, Julie Grunawalt and Dana Tschannen had their abstract accepted for poster presentation at the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists 2013 Annual Conference. Their abstract is entitled, "Implementing A Mobility Program on an Inpatient Medicine Unit."
Ambulatory Care: and Our Japanese Visitors
More than 23,000 Patients Active on U-M Patient Portal
Since it launched in August, over 23,000 patients have activated their account. The portal allows patients to request appointments with or send messages to their PCP or any providers they have seen since August 15, 2012. Patients may also review health information from encounters from August 15 forward.
Cancer Center Hosts Japanese Visitors
The Cancer Center spent four days with healthcare professionals from Japan. The guests were Takao Hinoi, MD (Associate Professor, Department of Surgery), Mayumi Niitani, MS, PhD (Associate Professor, Division of Nursing Science), and Mie Sadamoto, RN (Certified Nurse of the Palliative Care Unit). Dr. Hinoi is very familiar with the University of Michigan having spent six years working in Dr. Eric Fearon's lab. The nurses were impressed with our program and facilities. However, they were most impressed with the nurse practitioner role which is much more autonomous here than in Japan.
This was the largest single day Go Live for this system in the history of Epic's 270 health system users. We should celebrate that it has gone so well, although it has not been easy. Nursing staff, as well as providers and support staff, are working very hard to learn new workflows and await "fixes" for problems that have been discovered. They have discovered great capabilities of the system, such as the use of Smart Phrases, communicating with patients via the patient portal, and paperless ordering of labs and x-rays (no lost requisitions!). However, InBaskets, letters and the "authorizing provider" requirements, among other issues, are challenging. Much work is underway to resolve problems and additional education is being developed. The leadership of Ambulatory Care as well as the MiChart lead team applaud all the efforts and value the contributions that all are making to use this set of tools in providing patient care. and the Marketing Campaign
A strategic marketing campaign launched this month to encourage patients to sign-up for the patient portal, The campaign includes direct mail, brochures, posters and elevator wraps. An animated promotional video was also created at:
Through the portal, patients may securely message their care team, request prescription renewals, request appointments, pay bills and view medical records.
Call for Abstracts -
Leaping Forward in Critical Care…
An opportunity to share research, clinical innovation and evidence-based practice at our first annual critical care symposium. Leaping Forward in Critical Care: Stitching Evidence into Practice, presented by the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the University of Michigan February 26, 2013. Deadline - November 12, 2012. Contact Sharon Dickinson at or Connie Rickelmann at
UM Comprehensive Diabetes Center's 6th Annual Diabetes Health Fair
In honor of the United Nations' World Diabetes Day and the ADA's Diabetes Awareness Month Saturday, November 10, 2012, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel, 3200 Boardwalk, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (across State Street from Briarwood Mall, off I-94 exit 177). For more information, view or email
Schwartz Rounds
- Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 8, 2012 from 12:00-1:00pm in the MCHC Auditorium, the topic: "Providing Individual Care in an Automated System"
- Upcoming: Monday, December 3, 2012 from 12:00-1:00pm; MCHC Auditorium
Pursuing Magnet Designation…
On Oct. 2, Margaret Calarco, Ph.D., R.N., senior associate director for Patient Care Services and chief nursing officer, announced that the UMHS nursing community will pursue Magnet Recognition. Magnet Recognition is a designation awarded by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for excellence in nursing practice environments and nursing practice. Read the full story at
Fourth Annual UMHS Nursing Poster Day
Forty-four posters representing work in Clinical Innovation, Evidence-Based Practice, and Research were presented at the fourth annual UMHS Nursing Poster Day. The event drew 150 participants across UMHS and the School of Nursing! Read more...
Four awards were presented, with teams receiving $250 for their group's educational funds. Awards were funded by UMHS Nursing Services and the People's Choice Award was funded by Rho Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau.
Congratulations to the following awards recipients!
- Clinical Innovations Award:
"Non-Violent Restraints: There's an Alternative"
Authors: Jennifer Dammeyer, RN, MSN, APRN, CCRN (CNS) and colleagues, CCMU - Evidence-Based Practice Award:
"Interdisciplinary Mobility Project
on an In-Patient Medicine Unit"
Authors: Winnie Wood, MSN, RN (CNS) and colleagues, 5B - Research Award:
"Caution: Crash Ahead Syncope and
Driving Laws in the State of Michigan"
Suzanne Benloucif-Moore, RN, MS, NP, BC (NP) and Electrophysiology Lab - People's Choice Award:
"Simulated Skills Lab: Enhancing
Chemotherapy Knowledge of New Nurses"
Kristine James, RN (ENC) and colleagues, 7East-Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Connie Burke, RN has coordinated the event for the past three years and Dr. Chris Friese, PhD, RN led the event for Nursing Research partnership.
Please take a minute to view the awards presentation on the NRP website at:
The video of the NRP poster day, sponsored by the Rho Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, can be viewed at:
Many Faces of Nursing: Creative Writing & Digital Photography. Advance Practice Registered Nurses
This exhibit, which begins on October 15th, features portraits of and stories by Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who work at the University of Michigan Health System. Stories by these nurses with advanced training overlay their portraits with words. Read more...
Led by Assistant Professor Laurie Hartman, this collaboration with Gifts of Art shines a spotlight on APRNs, explaining how in their work they conduct evaluations, order and interpret diagnostic tests, deliver various treatments and prescribe medications. Nurses, who tend to treat patients in a holistic manner, viewing humans across the lifespan as biological, psychological, social and spiritual beings, are consistently among the most highly trusted professionals in the nation.
Gifts of Art Gallery — University Hospital Main Corridor, Floor 2. On display October 15-December 10, 2012. 1500 E. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Open daily from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Upcoming Schwartz Rounds
Monday, October 15, 2012 from 12:00-1:00pm in the Ford Auditorium, the topic: "Spirituality in Times of Crisis".
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
- Hiring - In FY 13, the UMHS Nursing Department has hired over 300 nurses to date.
- NEW - Yellow UM Nursing polo shirt now available. Go to to purchase.
- Coming Soon: Fall 2012 Nursing Career Fair - October 21, 2012 – noon to 3 pm, Towsley
Michele Bachman, BSN, RN, CGRN, Manager of the Medical Procedure Center at East Ann Arbor, presented for the MSGNA (Michigan Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates) Fall conference on September 15 at the Somerset Inn, Troy, MI. The topic presented was "Managing the Crohn's Disease Patient: A Nurse and Allied Health Care Professional Perspective."
Lorelei Papke, MSN, CRNI, CEd, VA-BC, Interim Manager in Ambulatory Care Services, was an invited speaker at the 17th International Conference for the Society of Nurses In Cancer Care (ISNCC) which took place Sept 9 - 13 in Prague, Czech Republic. The overall focus of the conference was "Enhancing Patient Safety through Quality Cancer Nursing Practice". The full day workshop which Lorelei taught was titled "Enhancing Patient and Nurse Safety Through Vascular Access Best Practices" offering the participants an in-depth review of best practices for insertion, care and maintenance of peripheral, peripherally-inserted central catheters, implanted ports, and other forms of central vascular access. Over 600 Nurses from all corners of the world participated in the event.
Stephen Strobbe, PhD, RN, Addictions Nursing Specialist at the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing (UM-SON), is a coauthor on the collaborative position paper, "American Society for Pain Management Position Statement: Pain Management in Patients with Substance Use Disorders," Pain Management Nursing, 13(3), 169-183. This paper will also be published in the Journal of Addictions Nursing. Dr. Strobbe will be presenting this paper at the annual educational conference of the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) in Washington, DC in early September.
CVC Device Clinic nurse, Helen McFarland, RN, recently published a book entitled, "ICD Connection: Living with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator". The book is a collection of ten ICD recipients' and family members' personal stories of living life with an ICD. The patient and family authors share their unique, personal journeys and offer advice and hope to those who are going through similar experiences. These stories will inspire, encourage, and provide a connection to others who have gone through ICD implantation. The book made its debut at the U of M 16th Young ICD Connection Conference on September 29. The book will be offered to U of M patients as an educational and support tool and will also be available on
Ambulatory Care:
MiChart,, and the Marketing Campaign
September has continued to be a month of "stabilization" for the ambulatory care application of MiChart.. Read more...
This was the largest single day Go Live for this system in the history of Epic's 270 health system users. We should celebrate that it has gone so well, although it has not been easy. Nursing staff, as well as providers and support staff, are working very hard to learn new workflows and await "fixes" for problems that have been discovered. They have discovered great capabilities of the system, such as the use of Smart Phrases, communicating with patients via the patient portal, and paperless ordering of labs and x-rays (no lost requisitions!). However, InBaskets, letters and the "authorizing provider" requirements, among other issues, are challenging. Much work is underway to resolve problems and additional education is being developed. The leadership of Ambulatory Care as well as the MiChart lead team applaud all the efforts and value the contributions that all are making to use this set of tools in providing patient care. and the Marketing Campaign
A strategic marketing campaign launched this month to encourage patients to sign-up for the patient portal, The campaign includes direct mail, brochures, posters and elevator wraps. An animated promotional video was also created at:
Through the portal, patients may securely message their care team, request prescription renewals, request appointments, pay bills and view medical records.
DAISY Foundation – Nursing Research and EBP Project Funding! The second funding cycle for our J. Patrick Barnes Grants for Nursing Research and EBP Projects is about to begin. The deadline for letters of intent is Friday, September 14th.
The goal is to support both experienced researchers and nurses who have little or no experience in research or evidence-based practice projects. Complete information about the grant program is available at:
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Molly Conlen, RN (UH 8A, formerly of 5A) who recently received the DAISY award!
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
Join us at the 3rd Annual UMHS Nursing Poster Session – Clinical Innovation, Evidence Based Practice, and Research
The poster session, an opportunity for faculty and staff to learn about advances in nursing practices throughout the health system will be held Monday, September 17th from 4:30-7:00pm and Tuesday, September 18th from 8:00am-3:00pm Read more...
Meet the authors Monday (4:30-6:00pm) and Tuesday (12noon-2:00pm). Library consultants will be there as well. Participants can vote for the People's Choice Award. All awards will be presented at 2:00pm Tuesday. All UMHS employees are welcome to come and view the posters.
This event is conveniently located in the Towsley Lobby (see map at Nurses earn CE credit by attending.
For more information, please contact: Connie Burke, BSN, RN at or 734-936-0734. Or more information can be found at our Nursing Research Partnership website:
New Nurse Mentor Information…Take a look!
For the new academic year, additional materials have been developed for Nurse Mentors as a resource in mentoring undergraduate nursing students. Read more...
Take a look at:
Please see the UMHS Nursing Staff tab for:
- Current copies of the clinical placement schedules
- UM management student course description
- A link to the mentor tool kit
- Links to course descriptions at each School of Nursing we affiliate with
Have a great new academic year!
Psychotherapy Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Youth. Thursday, September 6 and Friday, September 7th, 2012, 8:30am–4:00pm Rachel Upjohn Building, Auditorium, 4250 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2701. Click here to register. The speaker is Judy Coucouvanis, BSN, MA, PMHCNS-BC, University of Michigan Health System, Department of Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Ambulatory Division. Coucouvanis is a nationally known expert in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and has authored, The Potty Journey: Guide to Toilet Training Children with Special Needs; and Super Skills: A Social Skills Group Program for Children with Asperger's Syndrome.
Active U Autumn
On September 19, MHealthy is planning two exciting and free outdoor events for all university faculty, staff and students. The Torch Relay and MGames Field Day events kickoff Active U Autumn (registration opens September 11) and continue the excitement for physical activity that was created by this summer's Olympic Games. Read more...
More information about each event:
- Torch Relay, starting points at Regents' Plaza and the Hospital Courtyard, 11:30 a.m. Throw on your sneakers and an Active U t-shirt from years past and walk, run or wheel alongside U-M leaders and your fellow colleagues at our very own Torch Relay! Register for the Torch Relay at:
- MGames Field Day, Palmer Field, 12 – 2 p.m. (no registration required)
After the Torch Relay, everyone is invited to Palmer Field to enjoy some outdoor fun and activity! A combination of the Olympic Games and those fun-filled Field Days you remember as a kid, the MGames includes games, activities, information booths, giveaways, and more.
The first 1,000 Torch Relay and MGames participants will receive a free t-shirt. Additionally, both events qualify for MHealthy's November Grand Prize Drawing. Benefits-eligible faculty and staff will be automatically entered into the drawing for a chance to be one of six employees to win prizes valued up to $500 each. To learn more about the Torch Relay and MGames, visit:
Ambulatory Care:
MiChart is Live! Patient Portal,, is Open!
More than 14,000 clinicians and staff are using our electronic health record system, MiChart, for clinical care, registration, scheduling, billing and research. Read more...
This was the largest one day Go Live of their ambulatory software that Epic has supported among all its 270 using institutions. When the contract with Epic was signed in July 2010, we set an aggressive timeline. We knew it was a challenge, and truly appreciate the hard work of all in making the transition to MiChart a successful and positive experience. With any undertaking of this magnitude, problems will arise, but we will continue to work together to resolve them – just as we have since the project began.
Patient Portal
Patients get a new system too! With the launch of MiChart comes the patient portal, University of Michigan Health System and University Health Service patients can skip calls to the doctor's office for test results, immunization records and prescription renewals – and instead access such medical information online, from a computer or smartphone.
If you are a UMHS patient, request an activation code at:
Nursing Grand Rounds on Neuropathic Pain in September
Ellen M. Lavoie Smith, PhD, RN, will present "Neuropathic Pain: Answers to Your Burning Questions" on Thursday, September 6th 11am-12 noon, in Dow Auditorium in Towsley.
Marget Smallwood, Level D nurse in Neuro ICU, published "Using Evidence-Based Practice to Develop a Swallow Screen for Stroke Patients". in the August on-line edition of American Nurse Today, August 2012, Vol. 7, No. 8.
Juanita Parry and team recently published a new article in Nursing Economics. Parry, J., Calarco, M., Hensinger, B. Kearly, G, & Shakarjian, L. (2012). An Online Portal to Support the Role of the Nurse Manager, Nursing Economics, July-August, Vol. 30, pp. 230-232.
Judy Coucouvanis BSN, MA, PMHCNS-BC, University of Michigan Health System, Department of Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Ambulatory Division presented "Parenting Children with Autism: Do's and Don'ts for Parenting Children with Autism" a free community education program. The event on August 23rd, sponsored by Park Center, featured Judy Coucouvanis. Coucouvanis is a national trainer on autism spectrum disorders and author of two books, including the award-winning "The Potty Journey: Guide to Toilet Training Children with Special Needs," and "Super Skills: A Social Skills Group Program for Children with Asperger Syndrome, High-functioning Autism and Related Challenges."
Our thanks to everyone who hired and oriented our new staff!
FY12 Voluntary termination rate (minus retirements) was 5.6%.
Nurse Week Activities:
NICU Review Course on July 24 & 25 attracted 36 UMHS neonatal nurses with interest in building knowledge in their specialty.
Next Events:
- Certified Emergency Nurse Review on August 13 & 14 presented by Jeff Solheim
- Cardiology Review on August 13 provided by Cammy House-Fancher
- Essentials for the Rapid Responder, That's you – the Nurse at the Bedside on August 15 provided by Cammy House-Fancher
Patient Portal,, Launches on August 15!
University of Michigan Health System and University Health Service patients will soon be able to skip calls to the doctor's office for test results, immunization records and prescription renewals – they can instead access such medical information right from home. Read more... – a patient portal offering patients electronic access to portions of their own health records – will launch on Aug.15. The new self-service records system is expected to dramatically enhance communication between patients and providers.
The portal is a major hallmark of MiChart, a multi-year project to transition to a more efficient clinical information system. Learn more at:
Northville Health Center, 2014
Design planning is continuing for the opening of a new multispecialty Ambulatory Care health center at the corner of 7 Mile and Haggerty in Northville Township. The two story building will be 100,000 square feet. Read more...
Services to be provided in the new building include:
- Adult Primary & Specialty Care (General Medicine, Allergy, Cardiology & Echo, GI, Hem/Onc, Hepatology, Neurology, GYN-Uro/Gyn, Pre-Op, and Pulmonary)
- Musculoskeletal Program (Orthopaedics, Anesthesia/Pain, PM&R, Rheumatology, Neurosurgery, MedSport, Orthotics & Prosthetics, PT/OT, Speech Therapy)
- Children's and Women's Services (Pediatric Cardiology, General Pediatrics, Pediatric GI, Hem/Onc, Rheumatology, Neurology, Nephrology, Surgery, Pulmonary, Urology OB & High Risk, and Reproductive Medicine)
- Medical Procedure Center
- Ophthalmology - Adult and Pediatric
- Radiology - Diagnostic Imaging, Bone Ultrasound, MRI
- Infusion - Cancer and Non-Cancer
- Pathology/M-Labs
Nursing Grand Rounds on Neuropathic Pain in September
Ellen M. Lavoie Smith, PhD, RN, will present "Neuropathic Pain: Answers to Your Burning Questions" on Thursday, September 6th 11am-12 noon, in Dow Auditorium in Towsley.
Suzette Walker and Peg Esper, Nurse Practitioners in the Cancer Center, have had abstracts accepted for presentations to both the Great Lakes Nursing Conference for October of this year, as well as the new Advanced Practice ONS meeting in Arizona for November.

Eva Kline-Rogers, NP, has received the Associate of American College of Cardiology (A.A.C.C) designation at the American College of Cardiology Conference in March. Eva has devoted her career to outstanding patient care and research, working in Cardiovascular Medicine at UMHS since 1983.

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Allison Beveridge, RN (UH 7A) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
Final Numbers are in!
In FY 2012, 939 joined the UMHS nursing community. 376 were graduate nurses and 563 were hired with at least one full year of experience. Read more...
Our thanks to everyone who hired and oriented our new staff!
FY12 Voluntary termination rate (minus retirements) was 5.6%.
Nurse Week Activities:
NICU Review Course on July 24 & 25 attracted 36 UMHS neonatal nurses with interest in building knowledge in their specialty.
Next Events:
- Certified Emergency Nurse Review on August 13 & 14 presented by Jeff Solheim
- Cardiology Review on August 13 provided by Cammy House-Fancher
- Essentials for the Rapid Responder, That's you – the Nurse at the Bedside on August 15 provided by Cammy House-Fancher
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital earns top rankings from U.S. News & World Report.
The University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital is among the best children's hospitals in the country in pediatric specialties and is the only hospital in Michigan ranked in all 10 specialties evaluated, according to the U.S. News & World Report's 2012-13 Best Children's Hospitals rankings. Read more...
Since the 2007 debut of Best Children's Hospitals, the U.S. News and World Report rankings has put an increasing emphasis on data that directly reflect hospitals' performance over the opinions of physicians. The full rankings and methodology are available at:
The rankings will also be published in the U.S. News Best Hospitals 2013 guidebook, which will be available in August.
Web Address:
On Wednesday, June 6th, the Senate Health Policy Committee convened for a hearing and heard testimony in support of S.B. 481 (legislation that defines APRNs and grants licensure and independent prescriptive authority). Testifying in support of the need for this legislation was given by Nancy George, MICNP President-elect and Chair of the APRN Coalition, Joanne Pohl, Professor Emerita from the University of Michigan's College of Nursing, and Dr. Dan McMurtrie, M.D. Additional speakers were Lynn Rife representing the Michigan chapter of the American College of Nurse Midwives and Denise O'Brien representing the Michigan Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists.
It's Coming: MiChart in Outpatient Clinic Areas on August 15. ACU EpicCare Activation Planning Teams have been Formed. Read more...
MiChart in Outpatient Clinic Areas on August 15. MiChart Ambulatory (EpicCare) will replace CareWeb and DrFirst as the outpatient clinics' tool for documentation and facilitation of patient care. Ambulatory Care Super Users began attending training on June 25 and end users will start on July 9.
ACU EpicCare Activation Planning Teams Formed. ACU EpicCare Activation Planning Teams EAPTs were formed to learn about the new MiChart workflows, activation methodology and change management. There is RN representation on each team.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Charles Church, RN and Ronnie Downer, RN (6C) who recently received the DAISY award! Read more...
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
The 2012 All-Nurse "Casting Call" and Nurse Week Activities.
The 2012 all-nurse "casting call" drew more than 200 UMHS nurses. Snapshots obtained on that day provide a "bank" of RN images used to facilitate future photo shoots. Read more...
Photos of UMHS nurses are used in recruitment ads, on UMHS websites and in other efforts to attract new nurses and acknowledge those RNs who are current employees. To see a composite of the first half of nurses attending the April casting call, visit the Display Case closest to the Cancer Center entrance on level 1, Main Hospital. The second composite will be displayed later this year.
Nurse Week Activities:
Pediatric CCRN Review Course on June 12 & 13 drew 25 enthusiastic nurses with interest in building knowledge in their specialty. All reported that their nursing practice will improve as a result of this review course. Kudos to those who were able to attend!
Next Event: Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Certification Review (CCRN and RNC-NIC) – July 24 & 25.
Brynn Dechert-Crooks MSN, RN, PNP in Pediatric Cardiology had her abstract "Dropping Like Flies: Fainters in the Arrhythmia Clinic," accepted for the 40th Annual Ohio Doctors Interested in Congenital Hearts Conference, held in June.
Jennifer Salerno, nurse practitioner and health system leader, is making a difference in our school based NP clinics. In June, at the AANP annual conference, she will be inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners for her outstanding clinical and professional contributions.
Donna Rossini, NP (Neurosurgery – Spine Program) received a grant from the Motor City Grant Classic to produce a pamphlet for blood pressure screening for APRN week. The grant will provide for photography, design work, and printing for the pamphlet.
A Tribute to Nurses… This month, our EVPMA, Ora Hirsch Pescovitz MD pays tribute to nurses and mothers by sharing an interview with her mother, Bella Hirsch. Read about the inspiring life of Bella Hirsch and her nursing career on Ora's website, Medicine That Speaks.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, Addictions Nursing Specialist at the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing, appeared as the invited guest expert on the premier episode of a new healthcare television show, Ask Dr. Nandi, which aired on Wednesday, May 16 on WADL Detroit, Channel 38. The topic of this first show was prescription drug abuse.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing...
Congratulations to Anna Kuznetsova, RN (CVC ICU) who recently received the DAISY award!
The DAISY Award is given through a nationally known program currently in place in over 450 hospitals. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and this award was established by a family whose son succumbed to a disease of the immune system. During his prolonged hospital stay, he and his family greatly benefited from care provided by superb RNs. This award was established to honor nurses who exemplify that compassionate, thorough care.
Within the University of Michigan Health System, candidates for the Daisy Award are nominated by patients and/or their families.
2012 Nursing Poster Session – Call for Abstracts
Poster Categories: "Evidence Based Practice," "Creative Innovation," or "Research". Read more...
General Poster Criteria:
- Relevant to Nursing Practice
- Project complete by Poster Session: September 17 & 18, 2012
- Poster author or co-author required to be present during one predetermined period on each day of the session
- Posters presented at other meetings are welcome
Visit the website for:
- Eligibility criteria for each poster category
- Guidelines and link for abstract submission
- Resources for abstract and poster development
"Best poster" in each category plus the "People's Choice" winner will receive a monetary award to use towards an educational or professional growth opportunity.
DEADLINE for abstract submission: June 8, 2012
- Nursing Research Partnership Team
- UMHS Recruitment and Retention Committee
- University of Michigan School of Nursing
- UMHS Department of Nursing
- Sigma Theta Tau - Rho Chapter
MiChart will Go-Live on June 13 in the ED
This implementation will include several new MiChart applications:
- ED (ASAP) will replace ED Centricity as the application for hospital admissions and discharges in the Adult, Pediatrics and Psychiatric Emergency Departments
- Ambulatory (EpicCare) will go-live in Taubman Adult Otolaryngology and University Health Service to replace CareWeb and DrFirst as the outpatient clinic tool for documentation and facilitation of patient care
All other Ambulatory areas will go-live with Ambulatory (EpicCare) on August 15
- Health Information Management Release Of Information and Deficiency Tracking
- New Research functionality with patient identification and recruitment using Best Practice Alerts in the ED
NOTE: Inpatient and most Ambulatory areas will still use CareWeb and UM-CareLink; however, many areas will have interim workflows and will view new reports through MiChart
Nursing at Michigan Scrubs and Polo Shirts!
You asked - We listened! Nursing at Michigan Scrubs are now priced at cost. Go to and click on the scrub shirt to purchase your gear.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
Nurse Week Drawing Results...
Congratulations to the 50 winners of free Nursing at Michigan gear in the Nurse Week drawing held on May 12.
Register now for 2012 Nurse Week options...
There are many free options for professional development that are available this year to UMHS nurses. Read more...
You asked us to Celebrate Nursing throughout the year and wanted on-site opportunities to grow your knowledge and skills. Choose one of the 2012 options below:
- Pediatric CCRN Review – June 12 & 13
- Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Certification Review (CCRN and
RNC-NIC) – July 24 & 25 - Certified Emergency Nurse Review (CEN adult and peds) – August 13 & 14
- Cardiology Review – August 13
- Essentials for the Rapid Responder, That's You – the Nurse at the
Bedside – August 15 - Pediatric Nurse Certification Review (CPN and RN-BC) – September 24 & 25
- Palliative Care Decisions, Suffering and Hope – October 1
- Gift Card for on-line CEUs
Debbie Kovacevich (HomeMed & Discharge Planning) will lecture: Management of the Patient Receiving Parenteral Nutrition in the Home Care Setting, at the Intravenous Nurses Society, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV.
Regi Freeman, MSN, RN, CNS; Jennifer Stieve-Swarup, BSN, RN; Amber Czernik, BSN, RN; Lori Silveus, BSN, RN; Lynda Portice, BSN, RN; Joel Kilpatrick, BSN, RN; Jaime Osborne, MS, RN; Deborah Totzkay MSN, RN; Chrissy Nault, BSN, RN; Jole' Mowry, MS, RN; & Kate McKenney, PT, CWS will be presenting their poster Pressure Ulcer Prevention in High Risk Cardiovascular Surgery Patients at the AACN NTI 2012, ASPEN 2012, and Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) 2012.
Katie Nelson, DNP, RN, PNP (Pediatric Cardiac Surgery) had her abstract "Oral Feeding At Discharge Following Norwood Procedure For Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome" accepted for the 40th Annual Ohio Doctors Interested in Congenital Hearts Conference which ran June 1-2, 2012.
Lashon Hart, BSN, RN (East AA – MPC) received the annual Education Award from the Institute of Professional Nursing in May 2012.
Cathy Desmet, BSN, RN (Supervisor – 12 East) received the annual Leadership Award from the Institute of Professional Nursing in May 2012.
2012 Nursing Poster Session – Call for Abstracts
Poster Categories: "Evidence Based Practice," "Creative Innovation," or "Research". Read more...
General Poster Criteria:
- Relevant to Nursing Practice
- Project complete by Poster Session: September 17 & 18, 2012
- Poster author or co-author required to be present during one predetermined period on each day of the session
- Posters presented at other meetings are welcome
Visit the website for:
- Eligibility criteria for each poster category
- Guidelines and link for abstract submission
- Resources for abstract and poster development
"Best poster" in each category plus the "People's Choice" winner will receive a monetary award to use towards an educational or professional growth opportunity.
DEADLINE for abstract submission: June 8, 2012
- Nursing Research Partnership Team
- UMHS Recruitment and Retention Committee
- University of Michigan School of Nursing
- UMHS Department of Nursing
- Sigma Theta Tau - Rho Chapter
University of North Carolina –
Research on Improvement Thinking
If you are a nurse who provides direct patient care, you are invited to complete a research survey looking at the concept of "improvement thinking." This research study will help determine how much 'lean management' is present in the immediate work environment. Read more...
Completing the survey is voluntary and will take about 20 minutes to complete. The results of the survey will contribute to the understanding of lean management and quality improvement. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
The survey can be accessed by clicking on the link:
Another $100 gift card will be given away as a thank you for participating. This study has been reviewed by the IRB of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has been deemed exempt.
SICU received the SCCM Award for Family-Centered care for the second time! Each year, at the Critical Care Congress, the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) gives one recipient and up to two honorable mentions the Family-Centered Care Award. The award recognizes units and programs that demonstrate innovation to improve care provided to critically ill and injured patients, their families, and those chosen by the patient to be with them.
The team of Surgical ICU and Trauma Burn ICU has been selected for the National Awards to Recognize Achievements in Eliminating Healthcare-Associated Infections, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Healthcare Quality and the Critical Care Societies Collaborative — composed of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society and Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Lita Smith, lead NP for the Cancer Center APRN teams, was awarded the American Cancer Society Lane Adams Quality of Life Award. This award promotes improved quality of life for all persons with cancer and their families through public recognition of exemplary individuals who practice compassionate, skilled cancer care and who extend the warm hand of service.
Dr. Leah Shever (Nursing Admin) and Dr. Marita Titler (SON) have the third most frequently accessed article from the Western Journal of Nursing Research: Shever, L. L., Titler, M., Lehan Mackin, M., and Kueny, A. (2011). Fall prevention practices in adult medical-surgical nursing units described by nurse managers. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 33(3), 385-397.
See it now at:
- 15 teams (including those named as Exemplar) present their work in 20 minute videos.
- 58 posters presented in their entirety as exhibited during poster session (see the contact person in lower right of poster).
- 24 stories have a 4 minute audio-tour which can be listened to concurrent with poster review.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention - Nursing at Michigan Scrubs and Polo Shirts!
You asked - We listened! The Nurse Recruiter and Retention team is happy to announce that Nursing at Michigan scrubs and polo shirts are now available for purchase online at a very low cost. Purchases will be mailed to your home and shipping is $5.00 per order or FREE for purchases over $50. Read more...
Want a free set of scrubs or a classic Nursing at Michigan polo shirt? Be sure to register for the Nurse Week drawing prior to the May 11, 2012 deadline!
Check it out and register for the drawing at
Suzette Walker, Peg Esper, and Judy Estes, Nurse Practitioners in the Cancer Center, are congratulated for completion of their fifth year of the Navigating Oncology Nursing Conference. The conference continues to grow every year. They had over 300 nurses register this year, and 2/3 of the nurses were non U of M nurses. This is the largest local regional oncology nursing conference.
Judith Coucouvanis, MS, RN, Nurse Practitioner in Ambulatory Care Psychiatry, is the co-author of Chapter 13: Autism Spectrum Disorders in the new book Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care Practitioners in Nursing. The book is now available from Wiley-Blackwell.
Noel Baldwin, RN, BSN (6D Clinical Care Coordinator) presented at the Society of Critical Care Medicine's Annual Congress in Houston. SCCM is the largest multi-professional organization dedicated to excellence in critical care. His topic was "Implementing Early Mobility at the Bedside".
Rebecca Priebe, who works with the Pulmonary ICU team, has published her research on NP job satisfaction in ADVANCE for NPs & PAs.
Karla Stoermer Grossman, Clinical Care Coordinator, mastery level, in the Pediatric Pulmonary specialty clinic, has been appointed to the Clinical Adjunct Faculty Network (CAFN) as an Adjunct Clinical Instructor, in the Division of Health Promotion and Risk Reduction Programs (Division II) in the School of Nursing.
Susanne Quallich, Nurse Practitioner, Urology, had five (5) book chapters finalized for publication in 2013, two (2) written independently and three (3) with coauthors:
- Quallich, S.A. (2013). Genitourinary Emergencies. In Sheehy's Manual of Emergency Care (7th edition), Hammond, B.B. & Zimmerman, P.G. (Eds.). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Herbruck, L.F., & Quallich, S.A. (2013). Nursing Assessment: Female and Male Reproductive Function. In Focus on Adult Health: Medical Surgical Nursing, Pellico, L.H. (Ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Quallich, S.A. & Lajiness, M.J. (2013). Nursing Assessment: Renal and Urinary Tract Function. In Focus on Adult Health: Medical Surgical Nursing, Pellico, L.H. (Ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Quallich, S.A. & Lajiness, M.J. (2013). Nursing Management: Patients with Urinary Disorders. In Focus on Adult Health: Medical Surgical Nursing, Pellico, L.H. (Ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Quallich, S.A. (2013). Nursing Management: Patients with Male Reproductive Disorders. In Focus on Adult Health: Medical Surgical Nursing, Pellico, L.H. (Ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Cherie Holodnick, RN, MS, COHN-S, RN Level E in Occupational Health Services, published the article "Positive IGRA Results – Making a case for treatment of latent tuberculosis" in the Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare, Winter 2012 issue.
See it now at:
- 15 teams (including those named as Exemplar) present their work in 20 minute videos.
- 58 posters presented in their entirety as exhibited during poster session (see the contact person in lower right of poster).
- 24 stories have a 4 minute audio-tour which can be listened to concurrent with poster review.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
The March 2012 UMHS Nurse Career Fair sponsored by Nurse Recruitment and Retention was held Sunday, March 25th. We reached a record attendance of 301! Read more...
Representatives for each clinical unit/area were present to meet with candidates, provide information on current open positions, and answer their specific questions. Finding the "right fit' is an important aspect of a job search and unit representatives play a crucial role in beginning that process. The staff of Nurse Recruitment would like to thank all who participated!
Take a Look at "Virtual Quality Month"
15 teams present their work, 58 posters are presented, and 24 stories are told. Read more, watch and listen...
See it now at:
- 15 teams (including those named as Exemplar) present their work in 20 minute videos.
- 58 posters presented in their entirety as exhibited during poster session (see the contact person in lower right of poster).
- 24 stories have a 4 minute audio-tour which can be listened to concurrent with poster review.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
Fiscal Year 2012 Hires: From July 1, 2012 through February 16, 2012, we have hired 597 nurses!
Pediatric Critical Care Expo: On February 11, 2012, the Pediatric Critical Care Expo attracted 29 experienced nurses to the new C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. Read more...
During the event they were exposed not just to the design of the building and technology found in the new Mott but also to the talented nurses who work there. This recruiting event was designed to attract nurses who have a passion for pediatric critical care and who have intensive care experience.
Thank you to the managers, supervisors and staff from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Pediatric Cardiothoracic Unit (PCTU), Pediatric Emergency Service, Hematology/Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit (Hem/Onc), ECMO and Central Staff Resources Pediatric Float Pool (CSR) who participated in this event. You made the career options here come alive! Recruiters and managers are continuing to work with these candidates.
Laurie Hartman, DNP, RN, APRN-BC and Elizabeth S. Stewart, MSN, RN co-authored with April N. Kapu, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC; Marc Moote, MS, PA-C; and Clare Thomson-Smith, JD, MSN, RN, FAANP the chapter Forming Centers for Advanced Practice in the book Integrating Nursing Practitioners & Physician Assistants into the ICU – Strategies for Optimizing Contributions to Care.
Please take a moment to check out this great article in this month's NP World News about our UofM School Based Health Clinics and Jennifer Salerno's (our APRN colleague) work there: "The Kids Are All Right – Teen Health Care in Ann Arbor" by Ed Gruber, PhD, RN, ARNP.
Dorsch, M., Bahl, V. Moore, N. Pipe, S., Spotts, V. Froehlich, J. had an abstract accepted to the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Summit of North America, May 2012 in Chicago. Title of the abstract is: The Effects of Dose-Response Data-driven Model for Heparin Infusion Nomogram Quality Improvement on aPTT Control. This was research done to refine the heparin nomogram based on data.
Suzanne Benloucif-Moore NP, Jackie Fortino RN, and Cindy Tobin NP had their poster on Afib/OSA accepted for an international conference for Heart Rhythm Society, which is an organization specifically for electrophysiology.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, Addictions Nursing Specialist at the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing, recently had an article published in a peer-reviewed journal with the following citation: Strobbe, S. & Kurtz, E. (2012). Narratives for recovery: Personal stories in the 'Big Book' of Alcoholics Anonymous. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 7(1), 29-52.
UMHS employees are now using MiChart for registering, scheduling and billing.
This endeavor’s success is attributed to the hard work and dedication of thousands of UMHS employees who devoted significant hours to MiChart as subject matter experts, trainers, end users, testers, workgroup representatives, Super Users, technical and logistics support. Hundreds of behind-the-scenes activities were completed by the MiChart project team, Medical Center Information Technology, UMHS leadership, clinicians, end users and other staff. MiChart clinical applications will launch in summer 2012.
This event was free to students and its purpose was to help improve first year nurse retention in the state. In addition to presentations from the nurse recruiters, Marge Calarco, PhD, RN, Chief of Nursing Services, gave a welcome and was able to meet many of the students.
The highlight of the day was the "New Grad Panel". This panel, made up of recent UM RN hires, shared their experiences as new RNs and candidly answered audience questions.
This year, we would like to thank our nurses who participated and the managers and unit staff who helped facilitate their presence: Megan Bollinger - 8D-Intermediate Care Unit, Kim Cook - 6B-General Medicine, GI and Liver Unit, David Lieber - 12 East Mott-Pediatric General Care Unit, Sara West - 12 East Mott-Pediatric General Care Unit, Kristy Will - 4A-Neurology/Neurosurgery/Stroke Unit, Diana Ziser - 4C-Cardiothoracic Step Down Unit.
The UMHS Quality and Safety Website was created to demonstrate our commitment to providing patient's with high quality, safe care and to make it easy for patient's and referring physicians to use our quality and safety performance when choosing a provider.
MiChart in Ambulatory Care. The University of Michigan Health System entered a new era of patient care on February 1st, and came one step closer to a fully electronic patient health record. Read more...
UMHS employees are now using MiChart for registering, scheduling and billing.
This endeavor’s success is attributed to the hard work and dedication of thousands of UMHS employees who devoted significant hours to MiChart as subject matter experts, trainers, end users, testers, workgroup representatives, Super Users, technical and logistics support. Hundreds of behind-the-scenes activities were completed by the MiChart project team, Medical Center Information Technology, UMHS leadership, clinicians, end users and other staff. MiChart clinical applications will launch in summer 2012.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
On Saturday, January 21st, the Nurse Recruitment and Retention team held their 5th annual "Career Launch". This year over 200 soon-to-be graduates from schools of nursing throughout Michigan gathered for a day of preparation to make the transition from student to practicing RN. Read more...
This event was free to students and its purpose was to help improve first year nurse retention in the state. In addition to presentations from the nurse recruiters, Marge Calarco, PhD, RN, Chief of Nursing Services, gave a welcome and was able to meet many of the students.
The highlight of the day was the "New Grad Panel". This panel, made up of recent UM RN hires, shared their experiences as new RNs and candidly answered audience questions.
This year, we would like to thank our nurses who participated and the managers and unit staff who helped facilitate their presence: Megan Bollinger - 8D-Intermediate Care Unit, Kim Cook - 6B-General Medicine, GI and Liver Unit, David Lieber - 12 East Mott-Pediatric General Care Unit, Sara West - 12 East Mott-Pediatric General Care Unit, Kristy Will - 4A-Neurology/Neurosurgery/Stroke Unit, Diana Ziser - 4C-Cardiothoracic Step Down Unit.
Susanne Quallich, NP (December 2011) served as co-editor for the first ever Advanced Practice issue of Urologic Nursing, and also coauthored the editorial "Toward advances in practice." Urologic Nursing, 31 (6), 325-326. Susanne also authored the first practice analysis of NPs working in urology, "A survey evaluating the current role of the nurse practitioner in urology", Urologic Nursing, 31 (6), 328-336. This research paper was accepted for presentation at the AANP conference in June.
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, PhD, RN is co-author of "Bupropion-SR for smoking cessation in early recovery from alcohol dependence." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 37, 487-490.
Sharon Dickinson, Renee Havey, and Denise O'Brien have had four talks accepted for presentation at the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference, in Chicago, March 8-10, 2012. The Symposium is "Intervening to Reduce the Risk of Pressure Ulcer Development in the Critically Ill Surgical Patient."
Sharon Dickinson, MSN, RN and Leah Shever, PhD, RN were co-editors of a special edition of the Critical Care Nursing Quarterly Journal, Evidence-Based Nursing Innovations. There were many contributing authors across our system and across disciplines who contributed to this important work. Read more...
- Paula Baldridge MSN, RHN, RN
- Kimberly Bauser, RRT
- Tracey Bruce, BSN, RN
- Jennifer Dammeyer, RN, MSN, ANP, CCRN
- Chris Dickinson, MD
- Sharon Dickinson, RN, MSN, CNS-BC, ANP, CCRN
- Susan Dirkes, RN, MSN, CCRN
- Regi Freeman, MSN, RN, CNS
- Jan Gombert, MA
- Carl Haas, MLS, RRT, FAARC
- Julie Hanley, MSN, RN
- Renee Havey, RN, BSN, CCRN
- Christina Mapili, RN, MSN
- Jole Mowry, MS, RN
- Christine Nault, BSN, RN, CCRN
- Matthew Niedner, MD
- Denise O'Brien, RN, ACNS-BC, FAAN
- Tonie Owens, MSN, RN
- Deborah Pasko, PharmD
- Julie Piazza, MS, CCLS
- Brenda Shaw, BSN, RN
- Leah Shever, PhD, RN
- Dana Tschannen, PhD, RN
- Deborah Wagner, PharmD
Cyndi Bower, MS, and Chris Conrad, MSN gave podium presentations at the 3rd International Association of Clinical Research Nurses Conferences this past November in Washington, DC at the National Institutes of Health. Bower presented on "Improvements that Work: Lessons Learned at the University of Michigan." Conrad presented on "Implementation of New Phase I and II Therapies Using Biological Agents.".
The UMHS Quality and Safety Website was created to demonstrate our commitment to providing patient's with high quality, safe care and to make it easy for patient's and referring physicians to use our quality and safety performance when choosing a provider.
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
In 2011, hundreds of nurses were hired to support growth within the University of Michigan Health System. Read more...
New CS Mott Children's and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital positions as well as those created by the expansion or addition of several UH units generated numerous opportunities for nurses. Since January 2011, 439 RNs have been added to the UMHS nursing community. The majority of those, 339, were hired after July 2011.
Additionally, this past year we have seen a record number of internal transfers. 327 UMHS Nurses sought to transfer within the system to broaden their skills and knowledge in a new area of clinical practice. 203 of those who transferred have done so in the last six months.
The influx of new colleagues can sometimes be a challenge for units who are trying to manage providing complex care while orienting staff. The simple act of making others feel welcome may easily be lost in the turmoil of change. Please take a moment to check on the wellbeing of those who have joined you in the care of the patients.
UMHS is fortunate to average more than 100 candidates for each position open to new graduates. Although we are not able to hire all who apply, we are always interested in identifying and hiring great nurses. If you know a new graduate or an experienced nurse whom you would welcome as a colleague, suggest that he/she visit our website.
TBICU has had three posters accepted to National Teaching Institute (NTI) in May of this year. The titles are “Production of Multi Media Burn Care Education for Nurses, by Nurses” (Rachel Milkowski), “Evidence Based Practice: Tailored to Fit the Unique Needs of Trauma and Burn Patients” (Sarah Taylor), and “Does It Matter Who Does the Daily Skin Assessment?” (Lauren Wells)
SICU was awarded the SCCM Family-Centered Care Award.
Aebersold M, Kocan MJ, Tschannen D, and Michaels J (December 2011) recently published “Use of Simulation in Stroke Unit Education.” Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 43 (6) 349-353. This is a nice example of some of the collaboration between SON and UMHS nursing.
Rebecca D'Agostino, RN and Susan Zill, RN have been invited to The 5th International Conference on Patient and Family-Centered Care, June 4-6, 2012, in Washington, DC. The abstract Just Do It! Beginning a Patient Family-Centered Committee in a Peri-operative Area, prepared along with Julie Piazza, CCLS, MS, BS Child Life Specialist and Scott Newport, Parent Representative C.S. Mott Patient and Family-Centered Care Committee, has been accepted for oral presentation.
In September, Dr. Stephen Strobbe, Addictions Nursing Specialist at the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the University School of Nursing (UM-SON), and a member of the Board of Directors for the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA), was co-presenter at a pre-conference workshop for IntNSA in Tucson, Arizona. The title of this half-day event was "Alcoholics Anonymous: What All Nurses Need to Know about 12-Step Recovery"
In October, Dr. Stephen Strobbe gave an invited talk, "Practical Aspects of Spirituality in Addictions Treatment", in Fairfax, VA.
Joetta Vamos and Mike Chesney, both Survival Flight nurses, came in second place at the National Air Medical Conference Crew Competition in St. Louis last month.
Paula Anton, RN, MS, CRRN, ACNS-BC, had 2 abstracts accepted for the NACNS Meeting, CNS: "Optimizing Outcomes - Influencing Across the Spheres" on March 8 – 10, 2012 at The Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park. Poster presentation: "Hourly Rounding: A Systematic Approach To Patient Safety". Presentation: "Post Discharge Phone Calls Improve Care Coordination".
Dr. Stephen Strobbe co-authored a recently-published article with the following citation: Karam-Hage, M., Strobbe, S., Robinson, J. D., & Brower, K. J. (2011). "Buproprion-SR for smoking cessation in early recovery from alcohol dependence: A placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study". The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 37, 487-90. This article can be accessed at the Informa web site.
2011 Nursing Poster Day
View a video of the awards ceremony and presentations by poster authors from this year's NRP Poster Session, and see who the winners were, by clicking here.
Video of the awards ceremony and presentations by poster authors.
Congratulations to:
- "People’s Choice Award” winner: Suzanne Benloucif, #9 “Atrial Fibrillation and Sleep Apnea. Are We Missing Something?”
- “Research Award” winner: Suzanne Benloucif #9 “Atrial Fibrillation and Sleep Apnea. Are We Missing Something?”
- “Clinical Innovation” Award winner: Paula Anton #23 “Post Discharge Phone Calls Improve Care Coordination.”
- “Evidence Based Practice” Award winner: Cathy Lewis #26 “New Pediatric Nursing Care Delivery Model for the New Hospital.”
What's New in Nurse Recruitment and Retention
October was another busy month for those working in the Nurse Recruitment and Retention Department. Lots of hiring and Nurse Week celebrations. Read more...
Hiring continues for not only our new C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and the Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital, but also for the backfill and growth positions we have throughout the health system. The Recruiters are keeping busy talking with both internal staff who have questions about applying for positions and also with students from our area schools of Nursing as they begin looking for their first nursing position.
We held our last three Nurse Week celebration events in October. We hosted a PCCN and CCRN two-day review course with one of our favorite external speakers, Cammy Fancher, ACNP, MSN, CCRN. We also hosted the annual Pain CE dinner. Many thanks to one of our own Linda K. Strodtman, PhD, RN for once again providing an evening of information and insight.
Planning will begin soon for next year’s Nurse Week celebration. Please send any ideas or feedback you have to Juanita Parry
PCTU Nurses participate in mission trip to El Salvador
Angela White, Ashley Wallace, Bev Benmoussa, Lisa Beckman, Whitnie McNeil and Meredith Bajor (PCTU nurses) and Kim Kellogg (PNP with our Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Advanced Practice Team) traveled to El Salvador in October as part of a mission trip funded by Rotary International. The goal of this trip was to participate in helping the Salvadoran team develop their own Pediatric Cardiac Surgery program, so the main purpose of the mission was to teach and support the Salvadoran team.
Teresa Bell, RN, Level D on the Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic team, has been selected to attend the Fall 2011 Institute of Nursing Excellence.
Patricia McKenzie, Level E RN in Plastic Surgery Clinic, served as a member of the 2011 Scientific Sessions Planning Committee for the American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses (ASPSN), Annual Convention. Pat also presented at the 2011 Annual Convention of ASPSN in Denver, CO, “How to Get Involved with the ASPSN.”
Marvella Muzik, RN, MS, (PES Supervisor), along with staff nurse Sharon Stetz, RN, MS; had a presentation accepted at the 7th European Congress on Violence in Psychiatry October 19-22. The conference this year is held in Prague, Czech Republic. Their topic is "Reduction of Seclusion & Restraints in the Psychiatric Emergency Services".
Peg Esper, Nurse Practitioner in the Cancer Center, recently published two articles:
- Hudes, G. R., Carducci, M. A., Choueiri, T. K., Esper, P., Jonasch, E., Kumar, R., Srinivas, S. NCCN task force report: Optimizing treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma with molecular targeted therapy. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 9(Suppl 1), S-1-S-29, 2011.
- Esper, P. Throwing the brake on the drug approval train. The J of the Adv Prac Onc. 2(4), 2011, pp. 273-276.
She also was involved as a presenter, NCCN Leadership Academy, Philadelphia, PA, July, 2011.
Recruitment and Retention News
National Nurse Week activities continue and approximately 200 nurses attended our two Phyllis Kritek events on September 27th and 28th. We will be hosting PCCN and CCRN 2-day review courses in early October and then our annual "Pain CE" dinner mid-October.
UMHS Cardiovascular Care Center Call for Abstracts: CVC invites you to submit an abstract focusing on Quality Improvement, Care Excellence, and Evidence-based Practice. Read more...
Clinical Excellence and Innovation in Cardiovascular Care
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Kensington Court, Ann Arbor, MI.
Seeking posters related to Cardiovascular care with a focus on Innovation, Quality Improvement, Care Excellence, and Evidence Based Practice:
- Abstracts due by September 16, 2011.
- Submit a previously accepted abstract as an email attachment to Dorothy Nagle at or call 734-232-1094.
- Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by September 30, 2011.
If you have friends or colleagues who you think would be great co-workers who are currently working at other institutions with at least one year of pediatric or critical care experience; invite them to register at the following website:
Sharon Dickinson, MSN, RN, CNS-BC, ANP, and Clinical Nurse Specialist for SICU, TBICU, and RRT, has been selected as a reviewer for the Beacon Award Review Panel. The Beacon Award for Excellence, presented by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, is a national award that recognizes individual units for exceptional patient care. The Beacon Award Review Panel is responsible for reading, grading, and providing feedback on applications received from intensive care units from across the country.
Sharon's education, years of experience, clinical expertise, and her familiarities with the Beacon Award application process make her a wonderful addition to the panel.
Marie Wolfer, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC, has been selected by the AACN (American Association for Critical Care Nurses) to serve on the review board for the prestigious Beacon Award. This award is granted to ICU's nationwide to recognize their high level achievements.
Laura Shakarjian and Juanita Parry (Recruitment & Retention) presented information about the UMHS program “Career Launch” at the National Health Care Recruiters' annual conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Juanita Parry, Marge Calarco and the NRR team published an article which appeared in the July issue of Nursing Management: "Investing in the Future Nursing Workforce".
Three hundred people attended a two-hour session, “Making Needlesticks Less Painful: A Strategic Plan”, presented by Representatives of the UMHS Needlestick Committee at a conference in Chicago. Read more...
Susanne Quallich has been reappointed to the Urologic Nursing Journal Editorial Board for 3 more years, 2012-2014.
Lashon Hart, RN, EAA-MPC, attended the National Nurses United conference in Washington D.C. She met with Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin. Discussions included; nurse to patient ratios, national healthcare and Medicare.
Julie Grunawalt, MS, RN, GCNS-BC; Winnie Wood, MS, RN; Sandra Kendziora, RN, Leo Kjellin, RN, and Tamara Davies, BSN, RN; have had their abstract entitled "POD Nursing: Improves Patient and Staff Satisfaction" accepted by The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) for poster presentation at the 2011 Convention this September in Boston, MA.
Dana Tschannen, Gail Keenan, Michelle Aebersold, Mary Jo Kocan, Francene Lundy and Victoria Averhart for published the article, "Implications of Nurse-Physician Relations: Report of a Successful Intervention" which can be found in Nursing Economics The Journal For Health Care Leaders, Volume 29, Number 3, May/June 2011.

SICU for has received the Beacon award for a second time. They are one of 15 units that achieved this for 2011 and were acknowledged at the AACN, National Teaching Institute in Chicago, in May. This time the award was given for 3 years 2011-2013.
SICU Call for Abstracts: SICU invites you to submit an abstract for their first annual Critical Care Conference. Read more...
Leaping Forward in Critical Care: Stitching Evidence into Practice February 29, 2012
This opportunity is not limited to surgically-focused research interests; rather, our mission is to feature a variety of speakers and posters that offer an innovative, comprehensive approach to evidence-based care of the critically ill patient.
Eligible Topics for Presentation: Evidence-Based Practice. Clinical Innovation, Process Improvement & Leadership
Submission Instructions:
- Oral presentations to be no longer than 15 minutes.
- Poster dimensions no larger than 4ft X 6ft (mountable or free-standing)
- Please limit abstract to no more than 250 words.
- Abstracts are due by August 17, 2011 at midnight.
- You will be notified by September 30, 2011 if your project has been accepted for presentation.
Click here to begin submission.
UMHS nurses win Educational Poster Award at 2011 Intravenous Nurses Society Annual Convention & Industrial Exhibition.
Laura Boonstra, Karen Harden, Sarah Jarvis, Stephanie Palmer, Pam Kavanaugh-Carveth, Joe Barnett and Chris Friese authored the article "Sleep Disturbance in Hospitalized Recipients of Stem Cell Transplantation", published in the June edition of the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.
Diane M. Lack, MS, RN, CCM, published "Presenteeism Revisited, A Comprehensive Review" in the Vol. 59, No. 2, 2011 American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Journal.
Diane Wyse, MSN, RN-BC, Educational Nurse Specialist was awarded a research grant from the National Nursing Staff Development Organization (NNSDO) Research Committee to study effective evaluation of our UMHS Charge Nurse Program.
Katherine M. Abstoss, Brenda E. Shaw, Tonie A. Owens, Julie L. Juno, Elaine L. Commiskey, and Matthew F. Niedner, had their article "Increasing medication error reporting rates while reducing harm through simultaneous cultural and system-level interventions in an intensive care unit" published in the June 2011 edition of BMJ Quality & Safety Online First.
At the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session, in New Orleans, April 2-5, Sue Housholder (shown center in photo) was inducted into the College. This was the first year that Cardiac Care Associates were inducted. Read more...
Our other Michigan colleagues are from WBH and HFH; Sandra O'Neill and Janet Wyman.
This conference also had a marvelous Aortic Session at the ACC which Sue moderated and was a speaker. Our own Dr. Deeb from cardiac surgery was present and the first speaker on Pathophysiology of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms, Dr. John Elefteriades, a cardiac surgeon from Yale was the second speaker and Sue closed the session with a talk on ―What's Missing in Disease Management of Thoracic Aortic Disease.‖
Nursing Research Partnership announces 2011 UMHS Nursing Poster Day
Tammy Keyes, RN, ENC in CSR, Employee Recognition Committee member has been chosen as one of the six representatives to represent UMHS in accepting an award for the four Best Practice Standards at the Recognition Professionals International Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Read more...
- Standard 1: Recognition Strategy
- Standard 2: Management Responsibility
- Standard 6: Recognition Events and Celebrations
- Standard 7: Program Change and Flexibility
Paula Anton, 6A Clinical Nurse Specialist, Dana Hanifan, SLP, and Jeff Evans from Psychology contributed to a new nursing textbook. The title of the book is "Rehabilitation Nursing: A Contemporary Approach to Practice". Read more..
Paula was the chapter author for Care of the Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury and Maintaining Skin Integrity. Paula was also a section editor for Promoting Self-Care in Rehabilitation Clients.
Dana and Jeff were co-authors for the chapter on Enhancing Cognition, Communication and Behavior.
Maria Hagan, RN, CRNI, and Debra Kovacevich, MPH, RN (HomeMed), contributed to a poster, "Patient and Clinician Perceptions Regarding Self-Disconnection of Continuous Chemotherapy Infusion at Home" which was accepted for the May 2011 Infusion Nurses Society Annual Convention and Industrial Exhibition.
Judy Baker, RN, and Karen Nagel, RN, have been selected to serve on the board of the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society. Read more...
Debra Kovacevich, MPH, RN, received an award at the 2011 INS Celebration of Excellence Dinner recognizing her Education Abstract Presentation entitled: "Consumer Feedback Regarding an Innovative Patient Education Tool to Support Home Vascular Access Device Training".
Sue Housholder-Hughes, an APN working with the Aortic Destination program in the CVC, recently published in AACN Advanced Critical Care titled, "Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome".
Susanne Quallich, ANP-BC, NP-C, CUNP, has been elected president of the Certification Board of Urologic Nurses and Associates (CBUNA), the certifying organization for non-physician providers and staff that work in Urology.
Susanne will be presenting on male infertility at the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) annual conference in June. She recently published a "primer" on male infertility for nurse practitioners.
Jan Crissey, Marty Fuhrmann, Barbara Hensinger, Gwen Kearly, Juanita Parry, and Laura Shakarjian wrote an article entitled, "Investing in the Future Nurse Workforce: Building Beginning Connections" (Career Launch) that will be published in Nursing Management in the next 12 months.
Judi Policicchio, RN Level C, Family Medicine, had her Master's research paper, "Bringing Evidenced Based Continuing Education on Asthma to Nurses" published in the May/June edition of the Clinical Nurse Specialist journal.
Don Packard from PT, and Noel Baldwin, RN, a nurse in the CCMU, will be presenting their work on Ambulating the Ventilated ICU Patient in the fall UHC conference. Noel and Don also want to thank Jennifer Dammeyer, MSN., RN, CNS for her work on this.
Trauma Burn staff visits Russia: A group of staff from TBICU spent 10 days in Russia from April 2-12. This trip was a part of a medical exchange with Russia related to burn care. In the past year, three doctors came to our unit for two weeks to learn about our practice in burn care. The team from TBICU included Dr. Stewart Wang, Lori Pelham, RN, Rachel Milkowski, RN, Deb Reuter, LPN, Karla Klas, RN, Sophie Manning, OT, and Terry Conlin, PT.
Cynthia Thompson (PCTU) and Nick Montanaro (SICU) were selected to participate in the Michigan Center for Nursing, Institute of Nursing Excellence. Kathy Kasperski (5D SICU), Elizabeth Kosinski (4A), Danielle Wilson (7B), Wendy Kenyon (Holden) were also honored with nominations.
In May, Donna Brennan, RN, Level D, will graduate from Madonna University's Nurse Practitioner Program. The Nursing Faculty presented her with the Outstanding Student Nurse Award. She also won the Best in Clinical Innovation Award for a poster presentation she presented at the recent Conference of Nurse Practitioners.
Maria Hagan, RN, had her poster, "Patient and Health Care Provider Perceptions Regarding Home Continuous chemotherapy Self-Disconnection" accepted for the 2011 Nursing Dean's Research Day and the Intravenous Nurses Society Annual Meeting.
Stephen Strobbe, PhD, RN; Lisa Mathias, RN, CARN; and their colleagues at the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS), authored an article that was recently published in the Journal of Addictions Nursing on the design, implementation, and evaluation of a pilot project for a buprenorphine clinic to help treat opioid addiction.
Catherine Meldrum, Clinical Nurse IV in Pulmonary Medicine, co-authored the article "Lung Volume Reduction Surgery: A Treatment Option for Severe Emphysema" in the journal OR Nurse 2011.
Several UMHS and School of Nursing colleagues have recently published in a special issue of the Western Journal of Nursing Research related to evidence-based practice. Marita Titler, PhD, RN, FAAN, served as the issue editor. The authors are:
- Michelle Aebersold – “Using Simulation to Improve the Use of Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines”
- Laura Cullen, Marita Titler, and Grace Rempel – “An Advanced Educational Program Promoting Evidence-Based Practice”
- Margaret Calarco – “The Impact of Positive Practices on Nurse Work Environments: Emerging Applications of Positive Organizational Scholarship”
- Leah Shever, Marita Titler, Melissa Lehan Mackin, and Angela Kerney – “Fall Prevention Practices in Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Units Described by Nurse Managers”
- Dana Tschannen, AkkeNeel Talsma, Jan Gombert, and Jole’ Mowry – “Using the TRIP Model to Disseminate an IT-Based Pressure Ulcer Intervention”
- Jole’ Mowry and Laurie Hartman – “Intravascular Thrombophlebitis Related to the Peripheral Infusion of Amiodorone and Vancomycin”
Psych NPs Julie Kuebler and Judith Coucouvanis, were Abstract Reviewers for the concurrent sessions of the 4th Annual Psychopharmacology Institute, “The Art, Science and Diversity of Psychiatric Nursing” and International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses 13th Annual Conference. Read more.
Susanne Quallich, an NP in urology, recently published the first “primer” for Nurse Practitioners on male infertility and will be presenting on male infertility at the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) annual conference in June. Read more.
The UMHS Transplant Center performed their 500th lung transplant in February. One organ donor saved two lives as both lungs were transplanted simultaneously into two Michigan men. We have posted and distributed our own press release and video.
Michelle Aebersold, Mary Jo Kocan, Dana Tschannen and Janet Michaels’ manuscript "Use of Simulation in Stroke Unit Education" has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing.
Falls study leads to 70% reduction in patient falls
Michael Heung, MD, Jonathan Segal, MD, Therese Adamowski, RN, and Preeti N. Malani, MD, from the U-M Divisions of Nephrology and Geriatric Medicine, authored a study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology detailing the approach that helped reduce falls by 70 percent.
At baseline, a total of 22 falls occurred among patients and staff. But after an interventional period that focused on staff education and environmental modifications such as installing lift devices and an in-ground scale for post-dialysis weighing, only three falls were reported in 21 months of follow-up.
Lorelei Papke (VAST) and Debra Kovacevich‘s (HomeMed) abstract "Consumer feedback regarding an innovative patient education tool to support home vascular access device training" was accepted for presentation at Infusion Nurses Society's Annual Convention and Industrial Exhibition being held May 21-26, 2011.
Susan Dirkes, RN, MSA, CCRN, had her article “Acute Kidney Injury: Not Just Acute Renal Failure Anymore?” published in the February 2011 issue of Critical Care Nurse. See it online.
UMHS ECMO department celebrated their 2000th ECMO patient in February.
The SICU receives the Society of Critical Care Medicine 2011 Family-Centered Care Award.
As the 2011 recipient, the SICU is granted one complimentary registration to SCCM’s 40th Annual Critical Care Congress and a commemorative plaque will be presented to the UMHHS during the combine American College of Critical Care Medicine Convocation/Society of Critical Care Medicine Awards Presentation to be held in San Diego.
Annette Scott, MS, RN (CNS-PiCU) has an article, "Protecting fragile skin, nursing interventions to decrease development of pressure ulcers in pediatric intensive care" published in the January 2011 issue of AJCC.
Debra S. Kovacevich, RN, MPH ( Manager – HomeMed) had her article “Ethanol-Lock Therapy for the Prevention of Central Venous Access Device Infections in Pediatric Patients With Intestinal Failure” published in the October 2010 issue of Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
Judy Benkeser, BSN, RN;, and Ann Dowling, BSN, RN; are co-authors with some Hospitalists on an article: “Excess Hospitalization Days in an Academic Medical Center: Perceptions of Hospitalists and Discharge Planners” in the American Journal of Managed Care.
UMHHC receives patient safety award from Leapfrog Group
Nursing is "most trusted" profession (again)!
For the ninth straight year, nurses topped Gallup's annual Honesty and Ethics survey, which measures how trustworthy U.S. residents consider various professions. For the survey-which has been conducted since 1976-Gallup interviewed 1,037 U.S. residents ages 18 and older. According to the results, 81% of respondents rated nurses' ethical standards and honesty as "high" or "very high." Overall, nurses have topped the list in all but one year since they were first included in the poll in 1999. In 2001, firefighters ranked first after they were included on a one-time basis following the 9/11 terror attacks. From 1988 to 1998, pharmacists outranked all other professions included in the survey.
On January 22, 2011, 200 students attended the all–day workshop representing many schools, including UM, MSU, Grand Valley, Hope College, Eastern, and many others. Our Recruitment and Retention Team members presented topics which included, resume writing, interview skills and help in transitioning from the role of student to professional nurse. A highlight of the day was a panel of our nurses who described their first year experience and fielded questions from the audience.
The Career Launch is an innovation developed by Juanita Parry, Director of Nurse Recruitment & Retention and as a result, this work has been receiving regional and national recognition. The latest recognition goes to Marty Furhmann, Laura Shakarjian and Juanita Parry who recently had a proposal accepted for presentation at the National Association for Health Care Recruitment's annual conference in Raleigh, North Carolina in July. A grant proposal has also been submitted to the Michigan Center for Nursing's grant for funds to collaborate with us to replicate the Career Launch idea at various locations throughout the state.
Chris Conrad and the MCRU staff had two posters presented at the Second International Association of Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN) Conference last month at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. They were entitled: "A Nursing Assessment That Works for Research Nurses" and "From Initiation to Implementation: Streamlining Protocol Education".
Cyndi Bower, MS, Nurse Manager of the MCRU, was executive producer for our new research video that was shown at the conference. The video is entitled, "The Faces of Research Nurses: Changing the Future" . The video will be on the MICHR website in the near future.
For more information on the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN) organization go to
Dr. Stephen Strobbe, PhD, RN, Addictions Nursing Specialist at the University of Michigan Addictions Treatment Services (UMATS), and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing, was an invited speaker at the Collaborative International Substance Abuse Research Training Program in Bratislava, Slovakia from September 24-27, 2010. He was part of a contingency from the University of Michigan Addiction Research Center (UMARC) helping enhance addictions research in central and eastern European countries. Attendees included representatives from Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, the Ukraine, and the United States. Immediately thereafter, Dr. Strobbe was also an invited speaker at an addictions conference in Warsaw, Poland, where he presented a portion of his doctoral dissertation.
Jim Munn, RN, received the Nurse of the Year award from the National Hemophilia Foundation.
Jim was honored at the annual meeting in New Orleans on November 12. This award honors a nurse who has demonstrated service to the bleeding and clotting disorders community beyond day-to-day responsibilities. This individual also serves as a role model for others in the field, having demonstrated expertise working in the bleeding and clotting disorders community. Jim has been at UM for over 25 years, and in the Coagulation Disorders Program for 14.
Juanita Parry and the Recruitment and Retention Team received the award for their work in creating the Career Launch. The award was announced at a luncheon in Lansing on November 9th.
Jeff Thomas, RN (Survival Flight) receives the Crew Member of the Year Award. Please see the tribute to Jeff.
UMHS named one of the“101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” in Metropolitan Detroit
The Beacon Award recognizes the top intensive care units in the country, placing the University of Michigan Medical Center in the top tier of hospitals that provide the highest standards of care for critically ill patients. There are an estimated 6,000 intensive care units in the United States, and the AACN has awarded the Beacon award to approximately 200 ICUs. This national award recognizes our critical care team for achieving the highest quality outcomes and for being a beacon of light, an inspiration, to other critical care units throughout the country.
Transforming Professional Nursing Education Project Team presents to RWJF
The presentation, entitled "What do we know and How Do We Move Forward?" was submitted under the topic of Building Effective Educational-Clinical Partnerships and drew from their work on partnership development in behalf of the Initiative's clinical educational model. It was presented by Janet Goldberg, RN, Maureen Belden, RN and Marilyn Svejda, RN, at the October. 2010 conference on Enhancing Nursing Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Setting.(10/10)
(Ed. D. Wiegand). The book just came out and Val was the author of procedures 52: Temporary Transcutaneous (External) Pacing and procedure 54: Temporary Transvenous and Epicardial Pacing. (10/10)
Marjorie McCullagh, PhD, RN, receives NIOSH OHN program award
Target Audience: All | Contact: Kathy Dunnuck | Last updated: 7/3/18