A-Z Site Index
Index of UMHS and UMHS-affiliated resources.
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- About Ann Arbor
- About Michigan Medicine
- Abuse Prevention Initiative
- Accreditation and Regulatory Readiness
- Acute Care Surgery
- Addiction Research Center (UMARC)
- Admissions & Bed Coordination Center (internal)
- Administrative Fellowship
- Administrator On Call (internal)
- Administrator On Call for Ambulatory Care Services
- Adult Medicine and Pediatrics
- Advanced Practice Nursing (internal)
- Aggressive and/or Disruptive Behavior (Tools for managing)
- Alcohol and Tobacco Programs
- Allergy and Clinical Immunology Division
- Alzheimer's Disease Center
- Ambulatory Care Services (internal)
- Ambulatory Care Educational Services (internal)
- Anti-Racism Oversight Committee (AROC)
- Anatomical Sciences
- Anatomy and Cell Biology (see Cell and Developmental Biology)
- Anesthesiology
- Anesthesiology (internal)
- Anticoagulation Service (internal)
- Anti-virus Protection at U-M
- Anxiety Disorders Program
- Attorney's Office (see Health System Legal Office) (internal)
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- Bariatric Surgery Program
- Basic Science Departments
- Biological Chemistry
- Biomedical Engineering
- Birth Center
- Birth Center (internal)
- Blood Drives at UM
- Bowel Control Program, Michigan
- Brachial Plexus Program
- Branding Guidelines
- Breastfeeding / Lactation Support Program
- Brehm Center
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- C&W Internal Site (internal)
- Cafeteria Menu
- Cancer Biology Training Program
- Cancer Center Internal Site (internal)
- Cancer Center Clinical Homepage (internal)
- Cancer Center Informatics
- Cancer Surveillance and Outcomes Research Team
- Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) (internal)
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Cardiac Step-Down Unit (7C) (internal)
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology - Pediatrics
- Cardiovascular Center
- Cardiovascuar Disease Fellowship
- Careers at UMHS
- Care Management (internal)
- Cell and Developmental Biology (formerly Anatomy and Cell Biology)
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Center for Biologic Nanotechnology
- Center for Computational Medicine and Biology (CCMB)
- Center for Facial Cosmetic Surgery
- Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation
- Center for Organogenesis
- Center for Sexual Health
- Center for Value-Based Insurance Design
- Central Staffing Resource (internal)
- Central Sterile Processing Department
- Cerebral Palsy Program
- Chaplain
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAPH)
- Child and Family Life (Mott)
- Child Behavioral Health
- Child Care Center
- Child Health Evaluation and Research
- Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research
- Clinical Engineering (internal)
- Clinical Care Guidelines
- Clinical Nurse Specialists (internal)
- Clinical Studies
- Clinical Scholars Program
- Clinical Simulation Center
- Community
- Community Health Services
- Compliance Program
- Compliance Program (internal)
- Compliance Resource Center
- Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
- Comprehensive Gender Services Program
- Comprehensive Stroke Center (internal)
- Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
- Congenital Heart Center
- Continuing Medical Education
- Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning)
- Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Cranial Base Program
- Critical Care Medicine - Pediatrics
- Critical Care Support Services (Respiratory Care) (internal)
- Crohn's and Colitis Program
- C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
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- Decedent Affairs
- Dentistry - Hospital
- Depression Center
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Discharge Planning (internal)
- Disaster Program
- Digital Image Processing Lab (Radiology)
- DNA Sequencing Core
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- eHealth Center
- eResearch
- East Ann Arbor Health and Geriatrics Center
- East Ann Arbor Ambulatory Surgery and Medical Procedures Center
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) (internal)
- Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Operations Plan (internal)
- Employee Assistance Program (See Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience)
- Employee Engagement (internal)
- Employee Health Service
- Employee Recognition Program
- Endocrinology (MEND)
- Endocrine Surgery
- Environmental Services (internal)
- Environmental Stewardship
- (Comprehensive) Epilepsy Program
- Esophageal Disorders Program
- Ethics Committee (Adult)
- Ethics Committee (Pediatrics)
- Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs (EVPMA)
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- Facilities and Operations
- Facilities Operations and Support Services
- Family Medicine
- Fertility Counseling and Gamete Cryopreservation Program (FCGCP)
- Finance Office
- Finance: Patient Services & Revenue Cycle
- Food Allergy Center
- Fullfillment and Storage Services (U-Attic)
- Functional Bowel Disorders
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- Gas Cylinder Safety
- Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Gastroenterology - Pediatric
- General Pediatrics
- Genetics - Pediatric
- General Medicine Division
- General Surgery
- General Surgery (internal)
- Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
- Geriatrics Center
- Gifts of Art
- Global REACH
- Graduate Programs
- Guest Assistance Program
- Gastrointestinal Research (UMCGR)
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- Health Information Management (internal)
- Health Information Technology Services (HITS)
- Healthcare Administration Scholars Program
- Hematology/Oncology
- Hematology/Oncology - Pediatrics
- Hepatology Program
- HIV/AIDS Treatment Program
- Holden Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (internal)
- Home Care and Transition Services
- Home Care Services (internal)
- Home Med
- Hospital Medicine (adult)
- Hospital Medicine (pediatric)
- Hospital and Health Centers Security & Entrance Services
- Hotel Accommodations
- House Officers Association
- Housing Bureau for Seniors
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Human Genetics Department
- Human Resources (UMHS)
- Human Resource (UM)
- Hybridoma Core
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- Identity Management Team
- Infection Prevention & Epidemiology
- Infection Prevention & Epidemiology (internal)
- Infectious Diseases Division
- Infectious Disease - Pediatrics
- Information Assurance
- Injury Prevention and Community Outreach (Trauma Burn Center)
- Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI)
- Institutional Review Board For Human Subject Research (IRBMED)
- Insurance Information
- Integrative Medicine Program
- Internal Medicine
- Interpreter Services
- Investing in Abilities
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- Kellogg Eye Center
- Kellogg Eye Center (internal)
- Key and ID Office
- Kresge Hearing Research Institute
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- Leadership & Organization
- Learning and Professional Development
- Learning Health Sciences
- Life Sciences Institute
- Life Sciences Orchestra
- Linen Distribution (internal)
- Logistics, Transportation & Parking
- Lost and Found
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- M2C2 (internal)
- Managed Care Contracting and Operations (internal)
- Maps and Directions (UMHS)
- Marketing (see Department of Communication)
- Materiel Services (see Supply Chain Services)
- MCommunity Directory
- Med-Inn
- Medical Abbreviations
- Medical Development and Alumni Relations
- Medical Information Services (now Health Information Management)
- Medical School
- Medical School - Intranet
- Medical Scientist Training Program
- Medicine at Michigan magazine
- MedSport
- Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes (MEND)
- MHealthy
- MiChart (internal)
- Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
- Michigan Assistive Technology for Cognition Program (MATCP)
- Michigan Bowel Control Program
- Michigan Center for Translational Pathology (MCTP)
- Michigan Congenital Heart Center
- Michigan Creative
- Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center
- Michigan Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Center
- Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (formerly Center for the Advancement of Clinical Research)
- Michigan Medical Home
- Michigan Nutrition Obesity Research Center
- Michigan Sinus Center
- Michigan Transplant (Public Page)
- Michigan Transplant (internal)
- Michigan Visiting Nurses
- Microbiology and Immunology
- Micromedex
- Mirlyn
- MiShare Secure File Transfer
- MLearning (see Cornerstone Learning)
- Molecular Medicine & Genetics
- Molecular & Behavioral Neuroscience Institute (formerly Mental Health Research Institute)
- Molecular & Integrative Physiology
- Mott Children's Hospital
- Mott/Von Voigtlander Internal
- Mott Golf Classic
- Mott Post-Anesthesia Recovery Room (internal)
- Movement Disorders Clinic
- MPLAN (internal)
- MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) (internal)
- MStores
- Multicultural Health
- Multidisciplinary Pain Center
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- National Poll on Children's Health
- Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
- Nephrology
- Nephrology - Pediatrics
- Neurogenetic Disorders program
- Neuro Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (internal)
- Neurology
- Neurology - Pediatrics
- Neuromuscular Program
- Neuro-Oncology
- NeuroSport
- Neurosurgery
- Neuroscience Graduate Program
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)
- Notary Services by UMHS Faculty and Staff (internal)
- Nursing Education (internal)
- Nursing Joint Implementation Team
- Nursing Services
- Nursing Services (internal)
- Nursing Services Practice Manual (internal)
- Nursing School
- Nursing - Clerical Services (internal)
- Nursing Unit - Brandon Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (internal)
- Nursing Unit - 4A Neurology/ Stroke/Neurosurgery/Otolaryngology (internal)
- Nursing Unit - 12 E Mott Pediatric Med/Surg (internal)
- Nursing Unit - 6C Pulmonary Internal Medicine (internal)
- Nursing Unit 6 Mott: Pediatric Med/Surg (internal)
- Nursing Unit 7 Mott - Hematology/Oncology-BMT (internal)
- Nursing Unit -7C Cardiac Step-down (internal)
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- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Health Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Office of Clinical Affairs (internal)
- Office of Clinical Safety (See Patient Relations & Clinical Risk) (internal)
- Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience
- Office of Decedent Affairs
- Office of Patient Experience
- Office of Patient Experience (internal)
- Office of Vice President and General Counsel (internal)
- Office of Research
- Operations and Support Services (See Facilities Operations and Support Services)
- Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
- Organogenesis (Center for)
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Orthotics and Prosthetics Center
- Otolaryngology
- Outlook (internal) (internal)
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- Paging Directory (UMHS)
- Pain Center - Center for Interventional Pain Medicine
- Palliative Care (adult) (internal)
- Parking & Transportation Services (see Logistics, Transportation & Parking) (U-M)
- Path Forward (internal)
- Pathology
- Patient Education
- Patient Food and Nutrition Services (PFANS)
- Patient Relations & Clinical Risk (internal)
- Patient Safety Enhancement Program
- Pediatrics Department
- Pediatric Anesthesia
- Pediatric Brachial Plexus Program
- Pediatric Dialysis Program
- Pediatric Ethics Committee
- Pediatric Policies (internal)
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pharmacy Dept. of
- Pharmacy Services
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physician Assistant (internal)
- Plastic Surgery
- PolicyStat
- Policies and Procedures (UMH)
- Postdoctoral Studies
- Professional Billing Reimbursement, Compliance & Education (internal)
- Program in Biomedical Sciences
- Program and Operations Analysis
- Program for Neurology Research & Discovery
- Project My Heart Your Heart
- Project Shunt
- Property Disposition
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- PubMed
- Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
- Pulmonology - Pediatrics
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- Quality Department (internal)
- Quality Improvement - See Accreditation and Regulatory Readiness (internal)
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- Radiation Oncology
- Radiology
- Respiratory Care (Critical Care Support Services) (internal)
- Retail Food Services
- Revenue Cycle
- Rheumatology
- Rheumatology - Pediatrics
- Risk Management (see Patient Relations & Clinical Risk ) (internal)
- Rogel Cancer Center
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- SDS ( Safety Data Sheets) (internal)
- Safety Management Services (internal)
- Scleroderma Program
- Security and Entrance Services (Michigan Medicine)
- Sexual Health (Center for)
- Sinus Center (Michigan)
- Sleep Disorders Center
- Social Work (internal)
- Sound Support
- Spinal Cord Injury Model System
- Spiritual Care
- Spine Program
- Strategic Planning and Business Development (internal)
- Stroke Program
- Substance Abuse(see Addiction Research Center)
- Supply Chain Services (internal)
- Support Services Home (See Facilities Operations and Support Services)
- Support Services LINK
- Surgery
- Survival Flight
- SWAT Nursing (internal)
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- Taubman Health Science Library
- Taubman Medical Research Institute
- Thoracic Surgery
- Tobacco Consultation Services
- Towsley Conference Center
- Transgenic Animal Model Core
- Transplant
- Transweb
- Trauma Burn Center
- Travel Clinic
- Travel Registry
- Turner Geriatric Clinic
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- UofMhealth.org
- UH/CVC Internal Website
- UH OR (internal)
- University Center for the Development of Language and Literacy (UCLL)
- University of Michigan Back and Pain Center (formerly Center for Interventional Pain)
- University of Michigan Center for Sleep Science
- University of Michigan Injury Center
- University of Michigan Integrative Medicine (UMIM)
- Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM)
- Urology
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- VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System
- VA Center for Clinical Management Research (HSR&D Center of Excellence)
- Vascular Surgery
- Vector Core Laboratory
- Virtual Care
- Vocal Health Center
- Volunteer Match
- Volunteer Services
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Last modified on: 27-03-2024